New pics from the turkey hot spot


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After getting pretty good turkey pics from this spot last time, I changed out my card and put the camera back in the same spot. Out of 180 pics, 86 were turkeys. Here's a few I picked out.

A couple up close and personal.



Check out the gobbler on the left taking a rest break. grin.gif


A couple of nice ones.



A bunch grouped up BL3a.jpg

Looking forward to opening day now!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: New pics from the turkey hot spot


what kind of foodplot is that if you dont mind me asking?

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Just one of our fall plots that was planted in wheat & oats. The brown leafy area is from a tree that fell in the plot that I cut out of there about a month ago. There are some tall pines both to the east and west of this plot and I heard birds gobbling on the roost on either side of the plot in those pines this past weekend. At the time I was listening from another ridge to the north of the ridge where these pics were taken.

For whatever reason some of our plots get visited by turkeys a lot more than others and it's not always the same ones each year. I'm not sure why they like this one so much this year unless it's because of them roosting close to it. Last year they weren't around there very much at all but 2 years ago they were. Go figure.

Last year on another small plot I watched 3 gobblers in it from a distance with my binoculars 2 mornings about 5 days apart before the season opened. On opening day I went with my son there and he killed a gobbler that was roosted close by it. This year I put a trail camera on that same plot and got nothing but deer and a few pigs in it after dark. crazy.gif

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