OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game


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Hunting boy has raised the age-old question about how far is a reasonable maximum hunting bow shot. As always, there is a wide range of opinions, but basically 2 distinct camps; one bunch says "I can shoot x number of yards and no one can tell me not to" and the other says "No, ethically you should only shoot y yards and you're a bonehead if you shoot farther."

The variables that are often presented include relaxed animal vs alert animal, awkward stances, wind, arrow speed, ability to hit a bullseye out to a certain distance, and so on.

Well, here's your chance to justify your own opinion, based on your range of experience. I suggest the following format, which I will fill in with my own data. Simply cut, paste, erase my data in each slot and add yours.

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 35 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 11 years

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - yes

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - 3D, field events, 900 & 1200 rounds, 5-spots.

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - Gold medal at 2006 British Columbia Seniors Games

OK, there you have it. One thing I'm also interested in is to see if we can stick strictly to the above recipe rather than inserting a rant concerning any particular stance. wink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 40 yards under perfect conditions

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 15 years

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - yes

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - 3D, daily or at least 3 times week at home range

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - Consistently in top 5 in class on local 3-D range

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Guest PAPA99

Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. MAX YD=30

2. SINCE 1978 =28YRS

3. YES



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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 20 yards, but I intend to double that by this season

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 4 years

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - I try to *long story why I can't now*

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - regular backyard practice and every once in a while shooting with some friends

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - other than a few bets while shooting in the yard, I placed sixth when I was 13 among 30 men.

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 40 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - this upcoming season will be 20

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - no

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - practice out back with my little block and 3D target

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - none. I don't shoot competitively

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

Depends on how comfortable I feel with the shot as it is presented. I practice out to 40 in the yard. Would I shoot at a deer at 40, probably never. At 35 under the right circumstances probably.

1. Probably 35 yards max on a deer, would really depend.

2. Been shooting a bow of some sort since 1992

3. Practice pretty well year round, usually shoot much more late summer.

4. Dont compete, shoot for fun, and enjoy just shooting in the yard.

5. Think number 4 answers this question.

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. Wont shoot at a deer further than 30 yards.

2. Been shooting a bow now for around 5 years.

3. Practice year round.

4. Cont compete shoot indoor during the winter then with friends do a good bit of 3D shooting and also shooting around the house.

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Guest bruteshooter

Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 30 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 2 years

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - yes

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - practice range time @ shop and home

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - I don't do competitive, but I did succeed with a few whitetails this past season.

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? 40 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? Since 1979

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? yes

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? practice at home almost every day

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? N/A, don't shoot competitively

OK, there you have it. One thing I'm also interested in is to see if we can stick strictly to the above recipe rather than inserting a rant concerning any particular stance. wink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. 35 yards

2. 17 years

3. yes but not as much 3 months before season

4. just shoot in the backyard for fun

5.n/a dont need to pat myself on the back when it comes to shooting my bow I know what I can and cant do. Guess it comes from bowhunting so long

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 55 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 30 years

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - Yes

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - 3D, Field Rounds, Indoor.

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - Gold Medal in Police Games-State 3D Championship, Numerous 1st place finishes in 3D's throughout the year. HUNTING, hundreds of critters over the years.

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 40 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - This year will be 21

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? -Usually not in the winter.

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - We move a 3D target around an elevated shooting platform and take one shot at it. It really helps you know your yardages.

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - Don't shoot competition

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. 30 yards

2. Don't keep track of things like this.

3. Enough to hit what I'm aiming at.

4. Bowhunting

5. I once killed 4 P&Y deer with one arrow, with a recurve, while still hunting barefoot...in the snow. Actually, that's not true, but I'm not much for bragging.

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 40 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - I think this past year made 33.

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - yes

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - practice on my 40 yard range behind my house on my bag tartets, block, and 3D target. I also have a range at my camp and shoot from an elevated position there at bags, a block and 2 3D targets. I can set that up to shoot any distance I want.

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - none. I don't shoot competitively

It would be interesting to know how many days (on average) you bowhunt each year too. For me it's about 25 days/year.

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Guest bowtech11

Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

max is 60yrds

7 years

i shoot year round

i have taken 2 deer over 40yrds my buddy has taken 2 over 60. it depends on your equipment and your skill level its different for everyone! i can put 6 in a pie plate from 60, 4 out of 5 times! in a perfect situation i would take a 60 yrd shot without a doubt. i have shot 18 deer with a bow and have recovered all 18 of them 3 are p&y. Not bragging but you get out of it want you put into it i dont get buck fever anymore so its like target practice for me in a tree stand. i hunt and shoot year round im confident. but everyone is different

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 35-40 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 22 years

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - yes

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - Home range

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? Do not compete.

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Guest ultralite31

Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

max: 65 yards

years: 5 yrs.

practice: about a week before season comes in

archery activities: shoot in my yard

competitive archey: dont do it i shoot for meat only

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - right now 30..aiming for 40 when I get a 4 pin sight

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 6 years in the fall

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - not in the past, usually a few weeks before season but plan to more often this year

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - reading up on archery tips and asking questions. hope to try 3D this year

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - umm don't compete

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 30 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 3 Seasons

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - Spring, Summer, and Fall

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - None

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? - None

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. What is your maximum self-imposed yardage? - 50 yards

2. How long have you bowhunted? - 13 years

3. Do you practice frequently all year long? - no

4. What types of archery activities do you participate in to hone your skills? - practice in back yard with block and 3d targets.

5. What significant successes have you recently had in competitive archery? -None only shoot for fun.

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Re: OK, justify your maximum shot distance on game

1. maybe 50yds right now ive only got a pin for 30 though but i can aim high and hit a target from 80.

2. 1 year

3. every day as long as its not stormin outside.

4. practice everyday with bag targets in my back yard.

5. none

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