Foggy morning double


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It was foggy this morning when I set up on my first stand. I called for about 20 minutes, with no takers so I move across the field about 500 yards away and setup to make another call. I set out my decoy and caller about 30 yards from me and went over and sat down next to a tree. I only had the caller on for 2 minutes when I catch movement out of the corner of my eye to my left. I look over and a coyote comes flying out of the fog like a ghost strait at the decoy. By the time I get my eye in the rifle scope the coyote was 10 feet from the decoy staring at it when I fired. The coyote dropped in it tracks. I look back over to my left to see another coyote coming in. She ran right by the downed coyote when I fired and missed. She ran about 30 yards and stopped to look back, and down she went. I wish I had this all on film, it was one of the most interesting hunts I have had in a long time.


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