Old Whisky


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Re: Old Whisky

Not real sure about that...

But I would bet it is real Smoooooth...

How ever I do have a mason jar full of moon shine that will make you squak like a chickhen... LOL...

After awhile you will know the real meaning of pink elephants...

LOL... grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Old Whisky


How ever I do have a mason jar full of moon shine that will make you squak like a chickhen... LOL...

[/ QUOTE ]

Me and some friends got a tom turkey drunk on some home made wine when we were young. We had some chickens too but left them alone. Tom sure was "friendly"after that.

I'm a bad person.

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Re: Old Whisky

I forgot to add that this Moonshine will cure stuff like...

Lice, Corns, Warts, Tick Fever, hemorrhoids, In Grown Toe Nails, Biting Dogs, Vision, Toothaches, Headaches, Nose Bleeds, A Fresh Neutered Cat, Woody Tongue, Pink Eye, Black Eye, Missing A Big Buck, Colic, Bird Flu, The Common Cold, Sleep Walking, Itchy Feet, Dry Skin, Dandruff, Ichy Water Eyes, Stomach Flu, Crossed Eyes, Yellow Fever, High Morage Payments, Ex Wifes, and last but not lease...

Lazy But Syndrome...

LOL... grin.gifgrin.gif

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