bow hunting


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Re: bow hunting

Tough question - so many animals, so little time. wink.gif

However, one hunt I always thought would be great would be for a big moose in the Yukon. If other game can be included (still one hunt), I've seen some awesome pictures from an area in the Yukon where there are moose/caribou/stone sheep combo hunts. Drool drool. tongue.gif

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Re: bow hunting


Zebra, Waterbuck, Blue Wildebeast, and Bushbuck. Very doable in one 10day hunt wink.gif Probably end up costing you less than a single animal hunt for one big moose, one big elk or one big brown bear. There are no DYI hunts in South Africa but you will need all the help you can get.

All four of those are very tough for different reasons to get with a bow.

Zebra is probably the number one in difficulty. They ain't just striped ponies!!! Spotting and stalking one is practically impossible with a bow. Zebras are incredibly savvy survivors. Probably one of the most highly under rated game animals to harvest with a bow in the world. Think all day long blind sits. Even then, you may not score. I know a guy who has tried to harvest one with a bow three times already and not succeeded. He's an extremely accomplished archer. I couldn't get one either. Trust me, they're very wild. That's why Ted Nugent is so infatuated with Zebras. He knows.

Bushbuck is the 2nd hardest. They have to be spot and stalked. They are extremely territorial and you have to go after them. Plus, even though they are about the size of an average southern whitetail. They are downright mean little boogers. Bushbucks have killed people. They may attack wounded or not. Very intense little dudes.

3rd place goes to Blue Wildebeast. In a group, very difficult to spot and stalk. They'll get out in the open where you have no hidden approach. They visit waterholes infrequently and don't stick around long.

Finally, the Waterbuck, not tough to hunt but real tough to find a good one. Getting a Waterbuck over 30" is not an easy trophy to get. Most places won't let you shoot one that is smaller than 29" You will bounce from waterhole to waterhole trying to find one big enough. There will typically only be one big Waterbuck per waterhole as they are territorial.

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