Time change...


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I fogrot the time was suppose to change last night and didnt change it before I went to bed last night. Woke up this morning to get ready to go to church called Katy to see if she was going she said she was on her way...Im like what the heck are you going an hour early for? confused.gifcrazy.gif She said dumby the time changed last night. blush.gifgrin.gif

Well that kind of screwed the day up. smirk.gif

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Re: Time change...

I didn't have a problem waking up early enough for church............matter of fact, several people didn't have a problem waking up for church. We had a great crowd today. But the problem was keeping them awake during church! grin.gif Yes, I do know that sounds bad...........but I was even sleepy! grin.gif

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Re: Time change...

This is crazy....I got up this morning about 7:00 and spent the day working around the house: I headed out fishing at 4:30 and told my buddy it was time to go, just after dark....well it was 8:11 at night! I had no idea it was so late...I also am not sleeping yet...when I normally go to bed around 10:30....UGH!!! It is going to be an early morning as it is 11:15 "real time"......I do not like change...especially time change!

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Re: Time change...




shocked.gifblush.gifblush.gifgrin.gif They had a thread reminding ya!! wink.gif

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Must have missed it. grin.gif

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Apparently youre not spending enough time on RT... tongue.gif

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No no I think I spend more than enough time on RT. grin.gif Just miss one everyonce in a while.lol

Tominator had a hard time getting to sleep also. Will go easier tonight tho so its all good.

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