Neighbor found a big one dead

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Re: Neighbor found a big one dead


Two Monster bucks for sure. Which one did he find?

Those are two different bucks there. wink.gif

It's a real shame either way. frown.gif

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Hey Steve, i was just wondering where you saw teh difference? The brow tine? I was thinking the same thing, but he must have broken it off because everything else looks pretty symmetrical.

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Re: Neighbor found a big one dead

I wish you were right Buckee and there were two different deer but it is the same one. I can see what you are saying though. Each time he was in front of the camera he was there for more than one picture and showed all different angles. Here are a couple more. Notice the times these two are from the same times that the other two were and you can see in both of them he has a small kicker that comes off of his left base and goes back.



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