Found dead coyote

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While out looking for sheds yesterday, I was on the edge of an old apple orchard in this swamp, look down off this small ridge and see fur and bone. Go down to find the skull and part of the vertebrae of a coyote...then a few feet away more fur and the rest off the back bone with hind legs still attached. I don't think he was shot, no foot prints around... kinda weird but I'm guessing either the ;;ast couple weeks of cold weather and the fact that with 2 feet of hard crusted snow, he couldn't get anything and starved, or the pack turned on him because they were really hungy? Or he was just sick and died? I found fox tracks that came right up to our manure/compost pile, took some stuff and dragged it back to the woods. Our compost pile is only like 75-100 yards from the house. Any ideas why you think he died? I know we hear a pack howl up there in the summer and fall...

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Guest onecoyote

Re: Found dead coyote

Coyotes don't starve to death to often. How do you know it was a coyote? It could have been a dog the coyotes eat?

I have never heard of a pack of coyotes killing and eating another coyote.

It is very rare that a coyote would eat another coyote.

That coyote could have died of alot of things, parvo, mange and a ton of other things that kill coyotes, including bullets, somebody could have wounded it. Just some food for thought.

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Re: Found dead coyote

Oh, I'm positive it's a coyote...fur type...skull structure...hind legs still there... In my cons. bio class I took at college, we were shown a photo of a coyote chasing a fox done in the winter....if they are really hungry, I wouldn't put it past them to turn on each other...but I would say he probably was old and sick and died...we'eve had some bad weather the last month. Thing is, it wasn't there 2 weeks ago, so it happened within the last 2 weeks.

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Re: Found dead coyote

You say you dont think it was shot. Sounds like you might have answered your own question to me Ruth. Would think if the yote was old or sick, that would be a likely cause of death. Unless it was hit by a car or something. Really no way to know though for sure, just be thankfull it is gone, a few less dead fawns this spring.

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Guest pintail711

Re: Found dead coyote


You say you dont think it was shot. Sounds like you might have answered your own question to me Ruth. Would think if the yote was old or sick, that would be a likely cause of death. Unless it was hit by a car or something. Really no way to know though for sure, just be thankfull it is gone, a few less dead fawns this spring.

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word to that

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest HoppeMan

Re: Found dead coyote


i dont know how he might have died i just wish the ones around here would get the same fate

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Yeah same here confused.gif

Starvation, maybe. Can happen when, as you mentioned, there is lots of snow on the ground. The pack turned on him, probably not.

Take care,


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