Forum Member Tragedy.


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My good friend who is a member here was cleaning his .45 last night and shot himself in the leg. I'd rather not say his name since this is pretty embarassing for doing something so stupid.

Bullet enetered below the knee and shattered both leg bones, the bullet never exited. He was doped up last night and today the surgery begins.

Sooo, the reason I post this is because this guy has been around guns his whole life. He's the SAFEST hunter I've hunted with. I'm just shocked. Anyways, make sure those guns are unloaded!!!!! His carelessness has not only jeapordized himself but totally freaked out his 8-11 year old daughters and his wife.

Be carefull!! Don't EVER take gun safety for granted!!!!

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Re: Forum Member Tragedy.

That's a serious injury. He's lucky he didn't bleed to death.

It can happen oh so easy. I won't judge. I had my close call and luckily was not hurt.

I was cleaning a shotgun for someone. He brought it over and asked for help. I took it out of the case. Screwed off the magazine cap and when I pulled the barrel off a live shell dropped out of the chamber. I was ready to wrap that barrel around that dudes head I can tell ya.

It never occurred to me someone might accidently put a loaded gun in a case.

I'm absolute fanatic about checking after that experience. Even on my own guns!

Hope he's doing better soon. Sounds like he'll need lots of physical therapy. frown.gif

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Re: Forum Member Tragedy.

He's hurting bad. He's allergic to Morphine and the like so he's having a difficult time with the pain. He also knows that I will never let him forget this one so his pride is hurt I'm sure.

No surgery yet, he's been having a bunch of tests and x-rays. Looks like surgery will be tonight.

This is really weird, I have no answers. When we get back to the truck one of us always says "unloaded?". The answer is always yes.

This is going to be a long recovery, he works on his feet and who knows how long he'll be out. Plus Disney tickets have been purchased for spring break, looks like he'll lose that money, and there goes Turkey season.

One mistake is going to cost BIG TIME!!!!! At least he didn't kill someone.

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Re: Forum Member Tragedy.

Hate hearing stuff like this. One of our own members here makes it hit a little close to home too.

Can never be too careful. My oldest daughter and I were just talking about that just yesterday.

Hope the anonymous member heals quickly and has a full recovery.

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Re: Forum Member Tragedy.

I hope he recovers without too many complications.

Morphine doesn't work on me. I had to ask for something stronger when I was hospitalized.

Not sure of the spelling, but they gave me something called Delauden. Within seconds I was feeling NO pain at all. That is some good stuff. I was on a Morphine drip, and it didn't take the pain away at all.


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