A Forum Hunting Story

Team Realtree

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I saw the post that hunting_boy posted about folks sending him some emails to put together a hunting story. Well, that didn't work because the request turned into a grammar/english lesson for him. Not sure I agree with those since the folks posting them don't know hunting_boy, his age or his writing capabilities.

Anyway, I got an idea from his post. And I think it would be cool to see what your writing capabilities are. I am using this post to begin a Realtree.com hunting story. Everyone can participate. I just want to see where it goes. In the thread you cannot post comments. Just continue the story. If someone strays (or you think they have), try to write to steer the story line back on track. You can post multiple times, but not in succession.

Here are the rules. I will begin the story. Everyone has a three sentence limit. You can be funny (but not ridiculous or out in left field). You can be serious (but not over the top). The next person posting has to pick up where you leave off. Let's see if we can develop a plot, an ongoing story that makes sense and captures reader's imaginations. Get your kids to help you. Make it fun. Don't post anything other than your three sentences to keep the story going. Here is the opening (And keep in mind, I am not a writer):

Back home, hunting was just a hobby. A chance to enjoy the outdoors and an opportunity to put work (or any stress related issues) on the backburner.

But when I got that call last year, I knew this trip would be different ...

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Re: A Forum Hunting Story

We had just finished browsing through game camera pictures, over a good hardy breakfast, that I had taken in that special place, one month earlier. When Dad saw ,"the Brute", his leg started shaking the table in excitement, and his eyes sparkled as they did in his youth.

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Re: A Forum Hunting Story

As daylight began its slow, arduous task of breaking, residents of the woods began to make their presence known. First the guttural call of a far-off crow, then a good morning chatter from a nearby squirrel reached our ears. And what was that - crunching footsteps approaching from behind?

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Re: A Forum Hunting Story

I slowly tuned my head in anticipation. My heart started to pound. There he was. Big ol Mr. raccoon making his way back to his daytime bed. I thought to myself "well that was a good adrenalin rush", and chuckled under my breath as I watched him make his way under my stand and off toward a big old standing dead tree.

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Re: A Forum Hunting Story

It was still early, and Dad and I had agreed at breakfast, to sit tight this first morning until 10:00am. I knew that would be a stretch for Dad's old bones, but he was the one who suggested it.

We sat for the next two hours in total frustration, with only the sounds of the birds breaking the morning silence. I knew in my heart that chances of seeing the Brute again this morning was almost non-existent, Just seeing him for the first time in the flesh, was enough to keep us glued in our stands, regardless of the odds.

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Re: A Forum Hunting Story

As time was drawing nearer to time to call it a quits for the morning with hopes becoming a bit grim, I noticed some sounds and then movement caught my eyes. I looked closer and saw what appeared to be a single doe. I could hear more movement back behind the doe.

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Re: A Forum Hunting Story

I did a triple take into the brush where I thought I saw antler and with a quick bino check it turned out to only be a branch. By this time it was 10:06 AM and still no sign of Dad. I was curious as to why he hasn't climbed down yet to come get me.

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