A little gardening help please


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Howdy All,

We have had a big thaw here in New York and it has me thinking about my veggie garden. In particular the sweet corn. The last two years my sweet has not made it to maturity and I wind up using it for fall decoration. Can you recommend a sweet corn that matures quickly and is good eating? We usually plant the second/third week in May.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: A little gardening help please

Thanks for the kind words William, Lou, Harv. Guilty as charged. I grow way too much sweet corn every year. grin.gif It's fun. Every year I tell myself I'm not going to plant as much, but I always do.

I've had decent results with the Northern Xtra sweet bicolor, which is an sh2 variety and matures in 62 days. My favorite variety is called Incredible, tough to beat IMHO, but takes 75 days to mature I think. The locals like Silver Queen, but that's an 85 to 90 day corn!

Here's a good link: Sweet Corn Seed

Growing sweetcorn isn't that tough. Wait till the ground warms up to about 55, lay down tons of nitrogen, then plant. When the seedlings are 10" tall, side dress them with 16-16-16, and again when they tassle. Keep them weeded because they don't like competition for the nitrogen, and thin the seedlings to one plant per 5" to 8", rows at least 24" apart, and you should be good to go. cool.gif

Let me know if you need any more help. This is like AJ talking about a rifle. grin.gif

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