What's your youngest...


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My girls are 10 and 7 both are going to go to Missouri with me turkey hunting. My oldest hasn't decided if she will try to shoot this year or not but my youngest now knows that she can legally shoot a bird and says she wants to. With that being the case I will be looking into getting a remington youth gun(s) for them.

So what I'm wondering is what age did your kids start shooting shotguns, i'm also interested in seeing if there is a difference between boys and girls ages.


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Re: What\'s your youngest...

My daughter is 5 and loooooves to go hunting with me. She has several toy guns so she is not scared of them. She has also sat with me while I target shoot. Unfortunately she cannot shoot a turkey in NY till she is 12 so I have plenty of time to wait. I will leave it up to her when she is ready and comfortable to shoot a shotgun.

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Re: What\'s your youngest...

Hmmmm...That's a tough one Gary...

I took my oldest daughter out 5 years ago and we took a double that day. Coarse Dad took the biggest bird... grin.gif

It was her first time ever hunting and her very first bird...

I'm thinking she was 18 or 20...I've aged since then and my wife says my mind is fadeing...LOL... grin.gif

Needless to say...It was an awesome day for me and for her...

A lifetime of memories...

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Re: What\'s your youngest...

For myself Dad let me start shooting when I showed interset in it when I was littler would go to the range and so on with him then finally I wanted to be like Daddy.grin.gif Rekon started shooting when I was around 9 maybe?

Remember the first squirrel hunt I ever went on with a 4-10 missed but man was it a blast! Never will forget that.

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Guest Huntergirl

Re: What\'s your youngest...

I was about 8 or 9 and my son was 5 when he took his first tom turkey. I think if you think they can handel it, and they think they can handle it and want to do it, It is time... I dont think there is much difference between the girls and boys. I just think boys show more interest at a younger age than the girls do. And the age restriction in some states in my opinion needs a little work.

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Re: What\'s your youngest...

PA now has a Mentored Youth Hunt. Which means you can now take a child hunting under the age of 11. At age 12 they need a license. For the Mentored Youth Hunt, they do not need a license, but the mentor does! The mentor MUST carry the firearm to and from hunting locations. The youth can not be moving around, can only fire the firearm from a stationary position. So this means my daughter which is at the age of eight could go with me and hunt! She can still go reguardless but just can not hunt. I believe I will wait another year before taking her out to actually hunt. She says she wants to hunt, but I dont feel she is quiet ready yet. But I think another year is going to be best, it will kill me though! Here is the info for any PA'ers reading this!


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Re: What\'s your youngest...

I have 4 kids, and none of them have really bugged me to go hunting. My middle son Michael likes shooting, I think he was maybe 5 or 6 the first time he shot my .22. I don't think he's shot my shotgun yet. My oldest son was 10 or 11 when he first shot my 20 gauge, but he did not like the recoil at all and will still only shoot a .410 to this day, he is now 13. My daughter shows an interest in going out with me, but does not like the shooting or killing aspect, and I don't think she's ever shot any gun of any kind.

Might have to work on that this weekend. cool.gif

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Re: What\'s your youngest...

Gary, we have 3 girls. My oldest just turned 11, she has shot several guns, but they have all been rifle or pellet rifles. Christina killed her first deer at age 9, and she has been shooting since about age 6. She has yet to shoot a shotgun, but she wants to turkey hunt with me this spring. Thinking I am going to pick up an 870 youth for her and the wife to shoot.

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