Prostate Cancer (oh well)


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Some of you already know that I was diagnosed with Prostate cancer a couple of months ago. I didn't want to talk about it until I knew more about it myself, and get a grip on what stage I was in, treatment, etc.

It was suspected when my regular blood test results for a little high cholesterol I managed to get under control, came back with a high PSA count. So it was off to the specialist for suspected prostate problems.

The first biopsy which is a series of 6 samples taken from the prostate, all came back negative, accept for one. So at that point I knew I had it, but wasn't sure really how advanced it was, or how big it was, never-mind which treatment I would need to consider.

Now, after the second biopsy, I at least know how big it is, and have a better idea of which treatments are needed that I can opt for.

Apparently I have a tumor in my right lobe, with a Gleason score of 6/10, and my PSA score when last checked 2 months ago was 4.2

From what the doctor told me. If the Gleason score was from 1 to 4/10, they don't usually treat it, but wait to see if it will go away on it's own, etc. If the G score is 5 to 7/10, it is treatable, with favourable results. 8 to 10/10 the doc said is when it gets beyond responding to any kind of treatment.

So, at least it was caught early enough, and in an early enough stage to Opt for one of the safer treatments, as far as lasting side effects go (which I won't get into..LOL)

I was given 4 options

#1 - Watchful waiting - another PSA rise (which isn't wise to do)

#2 - Surgery(removing prostate) - which, at my age is at bit out of the question because of the side effects you're left with.

#3&4 - Radiation - #3 Internal Radiation seed implants

.................- #4 External Radiation treatment

I've opted for the internal radiation seed implants, for one of two reasons. It's safer (as far as side effects go), and I don't feel like traveling all the way down Island to Victoria for the next 6 months for numerous treatments.

Anyway, that's about all I can tell ya, and you know I'd appreciate your prayers also. Thanks.

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Re: Prostate Cancer (oh well)

I wasn't aware of this either. Looking on the brightside, like you said, they found it earlier enough which is a great thing.

Good luck on your treatment, and I hope you beat this thing Steve. Keep your spirits up, modern medicine is an amazing thing. They'll be able to help you.

Keep us posted.

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Re: Prostate Cancer (oh well)

As you already know Steve you and your family are and will continue to be in our prayers here....

My dad just completed all af his treatments not long ago for his prostrate/colon cancer, and was givin' a clean bill of health... and seems to be getting better with every day that passes... So hang in there buddy,, you'll beat that tar out of this thing... wink.gif

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Re: Prostate Cancer (oh well)

Prostate cancer is probably the one thing that almost each and every one of us men will probably have at some point in our lives. The good news is that it is one of the most treatable kinds of cancer a man can get, sound like they caught yours exactly in time.....any sooner, they might have missed it and any later it might have been too late.

I know a couple people who had the radiation pellets and came out gangbusters.

Prayers coming your way.


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Re: Prostate Cancer (oh well)

Prayers sent, my father opted for removal. 5 years latter his PSA went up again to 4 something. they did the radiation in that area alone, and are keeping it contained. Prayers sent, all I can tell you for sure is God has truley impacted our family with Dad's cancer(for the good). All in all Dad is doing great. Good luck and keep your eyes on the father.

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