fertalizer ?

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Re: fertalizer ?

You don't need nitrogen on clover, it will produce its own. The first number being the nitrogen content. The 24-24 is plenty strong, I'd probably not put more than 100# per acre on.

The best way to determine fertilizer needs is to get a thourough soil analysis done. Sometimes applying the wrong fert. is worse than none at all.

Get to your local Extension office and talk it over with them. Chances are they will ask for a soil sample, have it checked and make recommendations for what you have planted or want to plant.

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Re: fertalizer ?

In an article published in the Latest " Whitetail News " the author advises adding nitrogen only at the time of planting clover. Clover is a Nitrogen-fixating forage which forms nodules on their roots shortly after they begin to grow.The Bacteria in these nodules convert nitrogen from the air into organic forms these plants and others around them can use.

The article goes on to say if you put more nitrogen on the plant , the plant will slow it's own fixation and in the end the plant will actually suffer. Adding nitrogen to the soil around clover will also stimulate weed and grass growth and competition

You can find more info by going to www.whitetailinstitute.com click onto Planting and maintenance instructions, scroll down and click onto Imperial Whitetail Clover


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