Patterned again (pics).


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I got the urge to try another choke with my BPS and found a good one for you to try. It's an Indian Creek choke which is compatable with Hevi-Shot and similar shots.

Last year I bought a Comp-n-Choke and got really great results with 3 1/2" Federal Flight Control lead #6 (2 1/4oz.) Here's the pic..


Patterns were beautifull with this load only. All other loads I tried were not good at all. Also the Comp seemed to like a dirty barrel. It hated any shot larger than #6. It did reduce recoil.

Anyways here's pics of the Ind. Creek. I shot Winny #6, Kent #6, Fiocchi #6, Fed #6, Fed Flight Control #6, Federal HW #6 3", and Hevi 13 3" #6.

Here's the pics. Hevi 13 and Federal HW #6 were too splotchy. The pics are the best of 5. They were really bad or just mediocre. I'm sticking with lead. Also POI seemed to move around. I was using a rest and it was calm. Weird.

Winchester 3 1/2 #6


Fiocchi 3 1/2 #6


Kent 3 1/2 #6


Federal Flight Control 3 1/2" #6 2 1/4oz.


Hevi13 3"#6


Federal Hevyweight 3" #6


To sum it up the Comp is very tempermental with some loads but awesome when you find the right one.

The Indian Creek shoots most pretty well, but really likes the Flight control wad like the Comp. The Indian Creek cut recoil a tad more. Also if your a non-lead fan this choke is comatable but the comp isn't.

It's a wash for me. I think I'll just keep this one screwed in and use it for now.

P.S. The large number is the number of total hits. The small one lethal hits only.

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