fertilizing trees

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Re: fertilizing trees

When I hunted areas that had oaks, I'd pick out 2 or 3 trees around my stand sites and drive some of those tree spikes into the ground each Spring. Cheap and easy way to attract more deer.

Now I hunt in the desert where there's not an oak within 50 miles. Hum, I wonder what would happen if I fertizied the mesquites and prickly pears? grin.gif

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Re: fertilizing trees

I have a large crab apple tree in my backyard which I have fertilized around the canopy the last couple years. I have seen a marked increase in apple production to the point I have had to prune the tree. The branches get so heavily laden with apples I am afraid the tree is going to break.

The fertilizer also helps the grass grow under it also. We have to mow under the darn thing at least twice a week!

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Re: fertilizing trees


Just read an article Sunday that said to fertilize trees and shrubs effectively, you need to get the fertilizer in liquid form to the roots which requires boring holes and inserting a slurry of fert.

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With the amount of rain we got up here last summer and fall I could have put a cinder block under a tree and it would have reached the roots in no time!!


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Re: fertilizing trees


Just read an article Sunday that said to fertilize trees and shrubs effectively, you need to get the fertilizer in liquid form to the roots which requires boring holes and inserting a slurry of fert.

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Have seen where people have pvc pipes angled in the ground around trees. Really think the fertilizer stakes will work ok, if you use them according to the directions and are able to water.

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