important question!!


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About 25 years ago my grandfather gave me a gold pocketwatch that he used in the 20's, still working and has all the real jewels in the back, it is worht soem $$$,It has been a real keepsake and I decided from when I was 10 years old it was going to be a family keepsake! I have had it hid for years in a secret place! I always said it would go to the boy in the famiy who could carry on the name! Well I did not have nay boys [and will not be lol] My brother has one boy, My wife seems to think thtat I should give it to my daughter who is not 13! the thing is my brothers little boy is the only boy in my grandfathers side to carry on the name out of abotu 7 kids , my one uncle had 2 girls, other 4 girls, other 3 girls, all girls, I just want to make the right decision!!ANy input would be appreciated!!HSudl I give it to my daughter or should I hold off for 8 more years or so and give it to my nephew who is the only boy!!

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Re: important question!!

tough call bret. my family on my mom's side has a set of silverware that they give to the oldest daughter. it went to my cousin when she was born, but she died a few years back, so i don't know where that set of silverware is now to be honest with you, she never had kids.

as far as carrying on the name--well, traditionally, your daughter can't do that, so that makes it tough.

i think i'd be inclined to keep it in my family and give it to my daughter though.

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Re: important question!!

well guys thanks alot you all really helped me lol!! I am going to keep it in the secret spot for a bit yet, not sure what to do!! I do know for sure that whoever gets it will know that if it ever is pawned off I will coem back out of my grave when I just die at 150 and haunt them!! Big decision here I know how much it means to me couse my grandfather passed away abotu 6 months after he gave it to me! I guess if i hold on to it for a while longer ti will never hurt!! Thanks you guys got me thinking alot!!

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