SPeakers for Sportsmen's DInner


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ANyone have any suggestions for Speakers for our March 2009 Sportsmen's Dinner? This year we have Charles Alsheimer, next year is Steve Chapman and last year we had Gerry Cailuett from Gods great outdoors. We contacted David Blanton last year and after several e-mails to his "point person" it appeared he was not interested. We are talking about possibly David Hale from KNIGHT AND HALE game calls. Any others you folks could recommend? confused.gif

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Re: SPeakers for Sportsmen\'s DInner


Wow, it's tough to beat Charlie Alsheimer.

How about Uncle Ted?

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A) Yes, this will be the 2 time in 4 years we have had Mr. ALsheimer speak. He was really well received the first time. He sure knows his stuff when it comes to whitetails!

BUT, I just heard Steve Chapman at a dinner on Friday and overall I think he beats Mr. Alsheimer. Just because Mr. Chapman is SO TALENTED! He is an AUthor(A LOOK AT LIFE FROM A DEERSTAND), singer and songwriter(He and his wife annie do concerts all over the country and produced many CD's) and he is an artist and COULD BE a standup comedian! His life-lessons are wonderful and his hunting stories fantastic- and he kept us laughing all nite long!

B) Ted Nugent?! ALthough I agree with alot of what he says, I donl;t see him fitting well into a church setting! shocked.gifwink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: SPeakers for Sportsmen\'s DInner


Ted Nugent?! ALthough I agree with alot of what he says, I donl;t see him fitting well into a church setting! shocked.gifwink.gifgrin.gif

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Uncle Ted might just surprise you. Really. wink.gif

Harold Knight, David Hale, Alex Rutledge........all three of them are outstanding fellows to sit & jaw with. All 3 do that sort of thing from time to time. I am fortunate to have heard David Blanton give testimony once. What a job that man does!! shocked.gif I can surely understand, though, how he might be a busy feller to get a hold of.

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Re: SPeakers for Sportsmen\'s DInner



Ted Nugent?! ALthough I agree with alot of what he says, I donl;t see him fitting well into a church setting! shocked.gifwink.gifgrin.gif

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Uncle Ted might just surprise you. Really. wink.gif

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I agree!! He is very spiritual. If he can operate Kamp for Kids, I think he can fit right in to your church.

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