lil hunter

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It was suppose to snow pretty hard today, but the weather people are never right. Well, except today. I woke up around 8 this morning, look outside. WHITE EVERYWHERE. This is our first snow this year, and it's the biggest one in 7 years. I'd say it's up to about 8" and still suppose to be snowing for a few hours. This is so awesome!!

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It was suppose to snow pretty hard today, but the weather people are never right. Well, except today. I woke up around 8 this morning, look outside. WHITE EVERYWHERE. This is our first snow this year, and it's the biggest one in 7 years. I'd say it's up to about 8" and still suppose to be snowing for a few hours. This is so awesome!!

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It is neat as Evansville & SW Indiana is over due for a truly White Christmas. The only "Fly-in-the-oinkment" is that our nut (Hickory, oak, and Walnut) Mast production, in the area was nonexistant this year. This means tough times ahead for the Squirrels frown.gifIt would be a good idea to place some corn or seed out for the Squirrels this winter season. Next year's Squirrels Season will be very poor frown.giffrown.gif Tell all your neighbors and friends to be sure to feed the Squirrels. smile.gif

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Mentioned it in the last post about the Noreaster... folks put your orders in... The billygoat back buster is available, brought to you by TORO and Realtree, also available in HD realtree CAMO... the "perfect" gift for that hard to buy for person:

BILLYGOAT'S 2005 model pushithardNtossX2756 SNOWBLOWER


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