That Was Close!


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i sat out back looking for doves last night and after sitting for about 10 minutes i saw a Sharpshinned hawk cruise by about a foof off the ground. (i love watching those things hunt). anyway, he cruised to my right, and disappeared past my pine trees. 5 minutes later i heard a flapping and crashing sound to my right. crazy.gif 2 minutes later, the same thing closer this time. now i'm thinking "sounds like a squirrel, but i know there's no squirrels back there." plus, i could hear wings flapping. 2 minutes later, guess what pops out of the pines headed right for my head? yep, the hawk.

he got within about 7 or 8 feet from me before i could even react and i flinched. as soon as i flinched, he aborted the attack and flew off to my left. ooo.gifcrazy.gifgrin.gif

pretty cool. cool.gif

thought y'all might enjoy that story.

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Re: That Was Close!

I had one grab my shoulder in the dark!!! blush.gif Talk about messing your pants! Was sitting there before sunrize in my stand. Must have thought my beanie looked like breakfast, I just happened to wonder what time it was, move my head, then I feel a warm "hand" grab my shoulder. I jumped and he flew on past (came from behind me). Scared the great poopie out of me!!! shocked.gif

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Re: That Was Close!

I know how you felt! 6 years ago while early season ML hunting I had a squirrel run by like his pants were on fire. Not far behind was a sharpshin hot on his tail. Flew by my head about 3 ft away. I too heard the fight after they were out of sight.

I love watching brother predators at work grin.gif

Cool Story


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Re: That Was Close!

Cool! lol We had a guy at college a year or two ago. He brought in owls and hawks and a Bald Eagle1 These were all rehabbed birds. Anyway the Eagle was on his arm and he walked by and it came very close to attacking my head; he tried to put is clwas in! Anyway the guy said these birds of prey are territorial and if you are in their territory, they can attack you though not very often.

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Re: That Was Close!


i sat out back looking for doves last night and after sitting for about 10 minutes i saw a Sharpshinned hawk cruise by about a foof off the ground.

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The one chance i have to correct him! So im gonna do it! It's FOOT, RIGHT??? LOL i had to man! You know how I spell and type! LOL

Sounds like a neat story thanks for sharing! Merry X-mas!

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Re: That Was Close!

Those birds of prey are some scary animals, sounds like a close one... I was in my stand last year, just before light and a great horned owl came flying directly at me, I don't know exactly what he thought I was but for a second I thought I was going to have to bail out of my stand... that would have been a long fifteen feet. He got within a couple feet before he decided to change direction... the next day my wife sat in the stand... exact same thing.

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Re: That Was Close!

When I was working for the Fisheries years ago, the engineer and I desided to go for a quick goose hunt in the estuary that we were anchored out in front of.

We had to take the zodiac ashore and then sneak around and into the back of the estuary, along the tree-line. I was in front of the engineer by a few feet as we were sneaking along in the early morning shadows.

All of a sudden this little hawk comes swooping in from behind and grabs my toque right off of my head. I jump so high, I scared it as much as it scared me and he dropped the toque in front of me.

It was so hilarious, we both stood there trying to keep from laughing out loud, so as not to scare away the geese.

It was a cool experience....just glad those tallons didn't get sunk into my scalp.

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Re: That Was Close!

haven't had bird bother me but had two encounters with squirels. Once I had one come down my tree so I froze to see how close it would come. It actually put its front feet on my shoulders before I freeaked thinking it would chew off my ear or something.

Another time I was kicked back taking a nap when a tree rat jumped onto my lap from another tree scaring the crap out of me. Thanks god for a safety harness and clean shorts.

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Re: That Was Close!



i sat out back looking for doves last night and after sitting for about 10 minutes i saw a Sharpshinned hawk cruise by about a foof off the ground.

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The one chance i have to correct him! So im gonna do it! It's FOOT, RIGHT??? LOL i had to man! You know how I spell and type! LOL

Sounds like a neat story thanks for sharing! Merry X-mas!

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yep, you got me. grin.gif

not perfect i guess.

want me to critique your next post? lol

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