Dog food recall.......


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I was wondering if anyone was having problems with their pets because of the canned food that has been recalled.I feed only dry feed,sometimes soaked in water,and haven't had any trouble.I heard yesterday that it was thought that the fillers they use in the feed was the problem.Today they said it could be pesticides on the wheat used to make the canned stuff.This really gets to me because I know cats and dogs are meat eaters and the stuff we buy to feed them has very little meat in it.And that could be fixed real fast if it wasn't for the antis causing so many slaughter houses to close.Folks in Kentucky are turning loose unwanted and sick horses because there is no market for them and they can't take care of their own problem by putting the horses down.15-20 years ago there was a great demand for horsemeat over seas and there were slaughter houses to do the work.I know some folks are sickened by the thought of butching ol'paint but having a purpose and providing food for other animals or people is way better than being set"free" to fend for themselves.People really need to step up and take responability for these animals.Its way past time for people to stop humanizing animals and do the right thing.And if you want to know...yes I do have horses and I would send unwanted ones to the slaughter house.

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Guest IL_HuNtIn_KiD

Re: Dog food recall.......


i agree that we should butcher unwanted animals, like horses,

[/ QUOTE ] not quite what i would say if you were around my might get a face full smirk.gif

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