muskrat and mole problem...

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we have a pond...not to big...but there are some muskrats who decided to make it their home and we definitely don't want them there....they are tearing up the yard around the pond...stepped in 2 different spots today there they burrowed from under the water...back into the yard....and we also have mole(s) tearing up the yard...from the back of the property, to the very front by the road, and now it seems they have burrowed under the garage. my dad went and bought a .22 (for this reason only) and we have enough room around us to where the neighbors won't be bothered...i have already taken one out (looked about as redneck as you can get...sweatshirt, shorts, and some hunting boots untied walking through our flooded back yard smile.gif )

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Re: muskrat and mole problem...

You might get a shot at the rats with the gun, but I doubt you'll ever see the moles.

The best mole control is to get rid of their food, i.e. worms, grubs, bugs. Use an insecticide in the summer to get rid of them. They do make mole traps. Some of them work, some don't.

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Re: muskrat and mole problem...


You might get a shot at the rats with the gun, but I doubt you'll ever see the moles.

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Took one of those out about 20 minutes ago grin.gif


The best mole control is to get rid of their food, i.e. worms, grubs, bugs. Use an insecticide in the summer to get rid of them. They do make mole traps. Some of them work, some don't.

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Yeah, the moles might be tough. We have tried a few traps but they are still around. There is one place in the back corner of the yard that you can barely take the riding mower over because they have a bunch of holes. This same spot is where i think we will be able to take one or two out. They always seem to stick their heads out in that same spot at least once a day. A few years ago our neighber drove over in his golf cart and shot one who stuck its head out of that same hole

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Re: muskrat and mole problem...

Trap them. (muskrats) It's illegal right now, but so is shooting them. A couple 110's and your set. They are a heck of a lot cheaper than a .22 too...

BTW - I do not condone any illegal activity...

P.S. Be forewarned that if you do decide to trap them, you might catch the "trapping bug" wink.gif

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Re: muskrat and mole problem...

theres poison pellets you can buy for the moles, ill have to see if i can find and get the name if i got any left, they work great, you just make a slit in the ground with a spade put a few pellets in there tunnels and they will come cruising through and eat them, it works good around here thats how we get rid of them when they are tearing up the yard

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Re: muskrat and mole problem...


theres poison pellets you can buy for the moles, ill have to see if i can find and get the name if i got any left, they work great, you just make a slit in the ground with a spade put a few pellets in there tunnels and they will come cruising through and eat them, it works good around here thats how we get rid of them when they are tearing up the yard

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we have tried the pellets...the peanuts pellets or what ever they are called, they come in a cone shaped container, and we have tried the spring loaded traps that have the spikes that are suppose to kill them...niether have worked. as for the muskrats...if i can get a small game license for it that would be great, but i don't see the point in spending money on a fur harvester license or traps when my intentions are to kill them to get rid of them, not for the fur, it'll turn into something that will just sit there and take up space after i get rid of the muskrats (yes, i am cheap smile.gif )...besides, there were only 2 out there, and i have already taken one out..and even though there are only 2, they are a major nuisance...the biggest problem now is the moles...

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Re: muskrat and mole problem...

Use poison in our yard and a mole trap. They work somewhat, but we still get them burrowing all over the place.

Last time at the taxidermist when we went to pick up my daughters deer last year, the taxi man had a little mole tool he rigged up, basically the bottom of a mole trap on a handle. Said it worked really well.

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