tree stands for sale


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Re: tree stands for sale

sorry folks, it was late last night when I wrote that.

It's 100.00 each. They are new in box and never used. They are the Gorilla Wolverine climbers sold last year ('06/'07) at Walmart. It's the same one that Bass Pro has, but called the Greyback name, for 169.00 or 179.00ish.

The Walmart website has them for 199.00. It is also called the Greyback Magnum now, but it is the exact same stand as on that website, if you want to see it.

It's the newer version that folds down flat. Packed, it is about 3.5"'s thick. Mesh netting seat.

I get a 75% shipping discount at FedEx through my work. It should be a minimal charge to ship these. I'm guessing less than 10 bucks, depending on where you are.

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Re: tree stands for sale

Il Huntin Kid,

I was quoting the website. Not what they went for in the store. Though they are close, all stores price things differenty. I know in my store they went for around 110.00. Bass Pro in St Louis has them for the price I mentioned.

At the end of the season they went on clearance for far less. I don't know if that's when you got yours, that's when I got mine. They were in fact less on clearance. Once they were gone, that was it until this fall. Then they are right back at full price.

Going by the new name and the website price, I'd bet they are going to be more expensive this fall. Who knows???

I thought I'd use them. Bought them on clearance and then decided on a different brand. Now I don't need them.


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Re: tree stands for sale



first, it's the same exact stand. Second, I'm making an assumption since it's on the Walmart website under a new name. So now walmart is calling it that I figure. If I'm wrong fine, it's still the same stand.


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Sorry, but I am calling you out here. The wolverine and magnum are indeed different stands. Cabelas has the greyback magnum on for $179.99 right now, bet it is the 06 models.

Here are a couple links for anyone interested:

new greyback at walmart

2006 greyback at cabelas

review on walmarts wolverine


Purchase: I started researching climbing tree stands to go deer and pig hunting this year. After being shell shocked at the hunting goods stores in my area I looked at of all places Walmart. Only $89 for a climbing tree stand? I was all but confused, it must be the most uncomfrotable thing out there; Right? Against my wife's better judgement I went ahead and purchased the stand and decided if I didn't like it I could always take it back.

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Notice there are capacity limit differences as well as overall stand weight differences. They are not the same stands.

Have a wolverine hangon from wal mart, and it is not a stand I would suggest for a stand site you plan to sit for long periods of time.

btw, gorilla does not even list the wolverine on their site anymore, maybe they quit making it, or maybe they will still make it exclusively for wal mart, but for whatever reasons they do not list it on their site.

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Re: tree stands for sale

I'm sorry, I thought they were the same because they look identical to me. I did not see the weight differences. The seat looks the same to me as well, so the comfort factor would be the same.

All I did is look at the pictures on the web page. They look identical so that is what I said.

My walmart had them for 110.00. Yes, they went on clearance at the end. This is how I got them. With shipping I'm trying to break even though.

I'm not trying to pedal these at the Greyback prices. hence my 100.00 asking.

Whatever,,,, I guess you called me out. This is not an unreasonable price for a climbing stand.

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Re: tree stands for sale

I agree, and that was not my intention. I was in error in saying they are "the same" if they are not. Again, all I had to look at was the pictures and they look the same. I don't have the specs on the Wolverine. As you said they are not on the web site anymore and I have mine in the boxes at my camp.

I did not do any thorough research on them, I just know what I paid.

I figured it was just a name change. I'm not trying to deceive just break even.

Sorry if I confused anybody. I have good intentions.

lower offers will be excepted, I just want to sell them and get them out of the way.

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