New equipment.......

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There's a new tractor on the Strut10 Ranch. It's not mine. My dad and brother bought it. I get to play with it, though!! grin.gif It's a 1991 Case-IH 695 4wd with a 2255 frontloader. It oughta make some of the chores around the place a lot more enjoyable.....especially road work, hauling shale, and working on steep places, etc. Oughta pull a pretty mean plow, too.

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Re: New equipment.......

Don't you just love it when the boys leave their toys around for you to enjoy. That front end loader will do a lot more than you think it will too. We have one on the JD at the camp. It isn't a dozer but the next best thing when it comes to moving things out of the way like fallen trees. It also makes unloading a barrel of fuel a piece of cake.

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