What a fun day!


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Yesterday at lunch time at work, had lunch with a couple girls I know from classes who graduate this year. Saw a prof. who I had for a couple rec. classes. She teaches backpacking and they had a day trip today and she asked me to come! So I spent most of the day today out hiking on some trails with the backpacking class, of which one of the girl's who is a sr. and a good friend is in, so it was a blast! Saw a gobbler in a field on the drive over to the state land we were hiking....I think he was getting ready to practice strutting, believe it or not. Found some gobbler poop on a trail on the state land. Saw a grouse...got some photos...and overall had a great in in God's outdoors! I'll post some photos later on or tomorrow. My shoulder held up alright though on the van ride back to the college, it was aching and didn't like the jostling of the ride. What a nice day...like being back in school again,lol. A nice group of students she has for her class....one boy I talked to just started bowhunting last year so that was cool. Anyway thought I'd share, I'll get some photos up soon enough. wink.gif And thankfully we missed the rain until driving back to the college.

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Guest HoppeMan

Re: What a fun day!

Sounds fun! grin.gifgrin.gif Great to get out in the Great Outdoors! Was out this morning in fog so thick I could throw a football farther than I could see....Was so quiet and peaceful smile.gifsmile.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Take care,


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