Thank you Lord

Guest Andrea

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Guest Andrea

Just wanted to take this time to say how truly grateful I am for my family's health and the blessings HE has given us. I also want to thank Him for the prayers He has answered and for each and every person he has put in my life. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

What are YOU thankful for? smile.gif

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Re: Thank you Lord

I'm thankful for this room, and thankful for this Realtree family grin.gif

I'm also thankful for all the friends I've met in this forum, Christian and non-Christian. I'm thankful that the Lord brought me to a point in my life many years ago, that I could finally hear him knocking on my heart's door, and for his wonderful gift of grace, undeserved by me. I would have been dead, or laying in the gutter somewhere right now, without him. I'm very thankful for my wife and children. I couldn't imagine life without them.

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Re: Thank you Lord

I'm thankful for my wife, daughter, our health, all the rest of my family. That my God is kind, understanding, loving, and forgiving. To live in a country that allows me do worship and do the things I want to do.

I'm thankful for all my realtree friends that have been so kind and helpful throughout the years!

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Re: Thank you Lord

You know as I was about to type this, I actually became speechless......I couldn't think of what to say, because it has finally hit me what a terrific thing this room is....and what kind of impact it can have.

I have no doubt it was the Lord's hand in motion when this room became a thought, and his hand further at work as he put it in motion......

Thanks ?!?!? I guess there isn't much that I'm not thankful for......I may take things for granted, but I am thankful for them all. Do I give praise as often as I should ?!? is something I know I have to change.

Thank you Lord, for the blessing you bestow upon me....from a roof over my head, to clothes on my back and food to family and friends to share it all with...and for everything else in between.

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Re: Thank you Lord

WOW...what a question! I would first like to say that I am also thankful for this room and also for the amazing forum. What a truly great place.

I am thankful for my health, for my amazing Christian wife, my beautiful baby girl. I am thankful that God thought about us that enjoy nature the way we do when He painted the most glorious landscape that the human mind could possible fathom!

I am thankful that He has blessed me with a great job that I love doing.

And I am thankful for all of you! May God bless and keep each and everyone of you!

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Guest bruteshooter

Re: Thank you Lord

I am thankful for my family. My loving wife, my five boys, my Mom, my Dad (Taken to God 01/20/89), my friends who join me in my beliefs and those who don't. For nature and each creature of the Earth.

Most of all, for giving me wonderful parents who believed in Him and tuaght me to do the same, so I can feel free to ask Him anything, count on Him for everything, and pray to Him always.

And of course for RTF and it's wonderful members for a chance to express this belief.

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: Thank you Lord

God, came into my life several years ago, when all others turned away from me when i needed help, now i know i have a friend, and can call on him any time day or night, even if it's just to talk to...I am thankful for the life i have somedays good, some days not so good, but like they way, there is always someone that is doing worse..I complain from time to time, then have to stop, pray and just ask for help..that all is calm...

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