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What type of rests does everyone have on their bows? I have a whisker biscuit on my Drenalin and I do not really like it, seems a bit loud and Not as accurate as I would like it to be. It also will leave waves in my fletchings, I have read about these on different websites and these things seem very common for the whisker biscuit. I am thinking about switching to the Rip cord drop away rest.

What do you have and why do you like it?

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: Rest??

trophy ridge..drop zone..why?? total vane clearance, the arrow leaves the string, the rest is out of the way, not vanes touching anything..

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Re: Rest??

Well I ended up going to the bow shop and trying the Rip cord fall away rest and had him put one on my bow. It is fully contained and works with out fail each time. I am very happy with the switch, but as I have said in many of my posts before each person has to find what fits them to make their bow work for them smile.gif

Here is a pic of the new rest that I bought.


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Guest emt4everBOWHUNTER

Re: Rest??

Quicktune 360 for me. It works just fine. I haven' t put much thought into changing to a drop away yet.

It's GOD's green Earth!!! Lets help keep it that way.

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