Broke the Ice


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Went out Saturday night for a little calling on a place that we have not been on in about 6 months or so. I was doing the calling and running the spotlight, while my cousin was manning the guns. We broke the ice and finally got our first night coyote.

At the first stand the first thing to show up was a grey fox that the shotgun took care of, I changed calls and then a coon showed up which got the shotgun to speak again. On to the second stand, seen some eyes about 150 yards ahead of us, but it was on the other side of the fence and we couldn’t tell what is was for the weeds grown up in the fence. In the meantime while messing with whatever is in the fence, I scanned the light and a grey was about 20 yards from the truck so the shotgun took care of him and then we went back to the eyes in the fence. They were still there, a little more calling and he came on over, ended up being a coon, shot at him, knocked him down, but never did find him.

On the third and fourth stands, nothing showed up. At the fifth stand, we decided to use the little Johnny Stewart digital call, that I won while at the seminar in Goldthwaite earlier in the day. Hung it in on the rack and hit the woodpecker sound, turned the light on and we could see some eyes coming thru the cedars about 30 yards to the right, another shotgun blast and another grey on the ground. Switched over to the cottontail sound and let it play and about 15 minutes, while scanning I see a coyote circling in the field. I barked, he stopped and I thought my cousin would shoot, but he didn’t. The coyote kept on his way, then about the time I thought he was going to smell us he did, but while he was heading back to the treeline my shooter made a great shot on him with the 22-250 and rolled him up. That was the first coyote we have ever gotten while out night hunting, all the others I have ever shot where while out turkey hunting. We made two more stands, nothing was seen, so we decided to call it a night at about 1:30 Sunday morning.



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