Aj got a question for you

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Eric and I have a number of rifles chambered in 219 Donaldson Wasp. There are a bunch of variations of this particular round and we must have one of the variations. We do not have any case forming dies. I have done my best to measure my cases and compare them to what is listed in reloading manuals and mine differ in several length measurements. I would presume that making a cast of the chambers of our rifles before going to the die manufacturers would help but I have only a few clues as to how to go about doing that. Anyone here have any answers to making a cast of the chamber.

My Dad made this post on another site and I don't think we are going to get the answeres we need.

Can you help us with this problem or can you atleast point us into the right direction. Thanks!!!!!

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Re: Aj got a question for you

That is one of the downsides to wildcats. Yep, you need to make a cast of the chamber. This is normally done with Cerrosafe. When you do the cast and send it to RCBS, Redding, etc, tell them its cast from Cerrosafe and they will hook you up. Custom dies are not too cheap.

You should also be able to send them a fire formed brass case that has been shot in your gun. Unless of course you don't have any yet.

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Re: Aj got a question for you

AJ I am Eric's dad, the guy that made the above post originally on another forum. We have a whole bunch of brass but it is very old and we are getting more and more split necks. These were made from 219 zipper cases which I do not see anywhere. These cases can be made from 30/30 cases but we are going to need case forming dies and the full length resizing dies made to our deminsions. I plan on getting some phone numbers and making some calls to get an idea of what each company needs to make up these dies. Sure hope they don't want me to send them the rifle. These are about 22 pound benchrest monsters. We have several rifles in this caliber and fortunately all were made by the same custom rifle makers - Taylor and Robbins in Bradford, PA. They closed their doors several years ago for good so they are not a possible source of anything.

All the rifles we use have the same chamber dimensions but differ from what is listed in my reloading manuals in several measurements.

We both love to shoot the old relics. Using our own swaged bullets we can get about 3400 fps out of those 55 go bullets.

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Re: Aj got a question for you

Hey Paul,

You can definately send your chamber cast to Redding, RCBS, CH4D, etc and have them make a set of dies for you. They are all familiar with Cerrosafe. Have you seen E.Arthur Brown's site? They sell 219 Donaldson Wasp brass and dies. I would bet it would be close enough for you to fireform in your chamber if it is different. It can save you a lot of $.

Bradford, PA huh? I grew up south of that in St. Marys, PA.

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Re: Aj got a question for you

AJ you are the man!!!! I was just on Browns site and I think they have the ticket.... and the prices arn't bad at all. Pop and I were thinking it would be a heck of alot more that what they are asking. cool.gif

Grew up in St Marys you say,,, I have driven truck through there many times. grin.gif

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