What Kind of Student were you?


What Kind of Student were you?  

  1. 1. What Kind of Student were you?

    • C--70 79%
    • D--60 69%
    • Did not Graduate, but have not failed at life because there's more to life than a piece of paper.
    • A--90 100%
    • B--80 89%

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Re: What Kind of Student were you?

Rarely took books home, and almost never studied for tests. Heck, I was too busy hunting, fishing and partying to spend time on school work. But I was blessed with an excellent short term memory. grin.gif I breezed through high school with a low to mid 90's average, even with honors classes. Graduated somewhere around 5th in my class behind the super nerds that didn't have a life outside the classroom.

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Re: What Kind of Student were you?


Your grade percentages for your scales are not right for many areas there Chris. When I was in school, most places from jr. high up, it was 94-100 for an A 87-93 for a B and so forth. College, some teachers used a 96-100 scale.

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You should be a principal. grin.gif

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Re: What Kind of Student were you?

I graduated grade 12 in the top 6 of my class.Mind you there was only 13 students & 6 of us actually graduated.I dropped out of university.It wasnt what I wanted to do @ the time.I figured I'd just drink & smoke myself retarded instead! I got older & matured just a little bit.lol.Then wrote my firemans ticket & later my 5th class Steam ticket.I did pass my 5th @ the top of my class.

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Re: What Kind of Student were you?

The sad truth about grades is that they are often inflated and a poor representation of the individual. In my opinion, the whole idea of schooling should be to learn something and the only reflection of what you learned should be the ability to answer straight forward questions at the end of the class. Through my entire educational experience, including pharmacy school, I have witnessed far too many people who learned little, but through "extra credit", and the grading of homework managed to pass with undeservedly high grades. Most of those people couldn't get a grasp on the simplest concept set before them. The school systems are going out of their way to help(?) and pass the students on the low end of the scale and doing little if anything to challenge the gifted students. If the school systems worried half as much about the intelligent students who languish for lack of a challenge and who stumble along in boredom, as they did passing through the low end students we would have a much brighter outlook for the future. Instead, let us keep lowering the bar and feel good that a high percentage of students move on and forget about the fact that we really do not want average students to be our doctors, our lawyers, our leaders. As you can see, I am not a fan of our current system of learning. When you can show up in class every day, score 98% or higher on every exam (including 100% on the final) and fail a class (my high school chemistry class), but someone else in the class can fail every exam but do a lot of extra credit and pass....well, something is wrong with the system. Yes, I learned to play the game, doing home work (enough to pass) and loved it in college where homework didn't count, but was merely a tool to use if needed to help in the learning process. It is simply amazing to see the number of people who graduated with "good" grades and who can not do simple math, read with the ability of a 3rd or 4th grader, and could not have an intelligent conversation to save their life's. Sorry, I did not mean to get up on my soap box on this, but education is an important thing and our current system is not doing a very good job.

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Re: What Kind of Student were you?


Instead, let us keep lowering the bar and feel good that a high percentage of students move on and forget about the fact that we really do not want average students to be our doctors, our lawyers, our leaders

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While I agree with a lot of what you have to say, the above quote is simply not true, in Ohio at least. In fact, the whole educational system is going the other way with standards based education. Nowdays, a kid has to pass about 6 or 7 different standardized tests throughout their schooling career or they don't move on or receive a diploma.

We could talk behaviorism, cognitivism, contructivism, etc. forever and someone will always argue that the other way is better, so we'll swing the pendulum the other way and go back towards a more student centered type of education. As it stands now, especially with the "no child left behind act" we are nearly at the end of the standardized based type of education, and that's just my opinions based on being in the business for 15 years.

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Re: What Kind of Student were you?



Your grade percentages for your scales are not right for many areas there Chris. When I was in school, most places from jr. high up, it was 94-100 for an A 87-93 for a B and so forth. College, some teachers used a 96-100 scale.

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You should be a principal. grin.gif

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LOL. No thanks, imagine that job has lots of headaches. Both my older girls think I should teach science though Chris.

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Guest IL_HuNtIn_KiD

Re: What Kind of Student were you?


I was LOUD! Go figure?!! grin.gif I would get A's and B's but seemed to give some teachers fits. Would get an A for the class but bad reviews from the teachers. I guess I look back and I still don't see it? grin.gif

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haha the same thing im goin through now i have a 3.67 on a 4 point scale and most of the up tight teachers dont like me... smirk.gifgrin.gif go down to the ag dept. its a dif story they love me down there

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Guest okla_bowhunter

Re: What Kind of Student were you?

i am a freshman, and i currently maintain a 4.0 unweighted and a 4.5 weighted GPA.

i guess i do all right.

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Re: What Kind of Student were you?

I WAS AWFUL. I feel sorry for any teacher that had me. I hated school, and have never regretted never not going to colledge. It took alot of years for me to get where I'm at, but I've learned alot. I can learn quickly doing things, but I'm still bad at reading and retaining. I always assumed I was stupid, but I'm starting to realize I just learn differently.

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