Ohio Coyotes

Guest bowhunter61

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Re: Ohio Coyotes

Never have hunted them intentionally. I've seen a few in my day. I could have hit one with a rock one day. That one day was one of the few times I was not carrying a shotgun. frown.gif Had one hanging around the property a few years ago, but never did get a shot off at it.

Rules and regs are easy--no closed season, no limit, you can hunt them at night too. Only stipulation that I know is that you have to play by deer rules during deer gun season, other than that, have at it.

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Re: Ohio Coyotes

i have hunted them quite a bit this year and seen a lot but only was able to get one, this is my favorite time to hunt them because the weather is sort of starting to break and i dont have to worry about messing up somebody that is deer hunting in the area, plus there is no crops in the ground to have to walk around and stuff

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