Ted Nugget...Outdoor Channel...


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Re: Ted Nugget...Outdoor Channel...

I watched a little bit.Jim looked to me like he wasn't very informed on the guns he was bashing.Ted had to show him how to load the AR-15 and the big sniper rifle.I think he had just drawed the wrong conclusion about this guns.With out checking out the facts and doing his home work.I bet he thinks before opening his mouth again.

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Guest Lab_Cab

Re: Ted Nugget...Outdoor Channel...

I think it was a good show.

What Jim did was inexcusable....and he paid the price for it. Everyone apologizes anymore...I'm not giving him a lot of credit for that. However, a lot of people would just retire or walk away from the limelight. I give him points for not only owning up to his mistake and apologizing for it, but pledging to work from here on out to educate others. It doesn't excuse what he said, but I think it starts him down the right path.

I also give Ted a lot of points for taking a bad situation and trying to make it better. A lot of industry folks see Zumbo as radioactive and wouldn't go near him. Ted's trying to use the situation for good - good for Zumbo, good for the industry, and good for gun owner rights.

It's just a small step, but it is a step in the right direction. Now hopefully we can put the situation behind us.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Ted Nugget...Outdoor Channel...

I lost all respect for Nugent when his "reality show" aired. Nice that he stands up for gun rights and the right to hunt but he's weird and what he did on his show ( game he hosted involving baked beans) was crossing the line IMHO.

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Re: Ted Nugget...Outdoor Channel...

I saw it. I dunno what to think about it. For Zumbo to run his mouth in such a large way on a subject he was clearly ingnorant of, speaks volumes to me about his character. Maybe I'm wrong in feeling that way. Maybe I'm not. Bill Clinton was a heck of an apologist after he got caught doing something, too. Didn't work for me then, either. I get the distinct impression that Jim's grasping to anything he can to keep the last square inch of his nuked ship from going under. As for Uncle Ted running damage control..........I dunno about that either. I guess it's an admirable thing for him to do. No matter how he goes on in his TV show or what he had kids do with baked beans......Ted is the real deal. He is an entertainer and he makes his money by what?? Entertaining. His television personna is not exactly the way he is in real life. I get the feeling that maybe Ted's doing damage control more for the shooting community in general than for Zummy in particular. If, somehow, J.Z. does happen to make a comeback........I won't be noticing. I thought his TV show was a little doofy before he popped his mouth off.

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Re: Ted Nugget...Outdoor Channel...


The part is not only is Ted educating Jim but all hunters and shooters. We need to all stick together and never be divided.

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If you do an internet 'search' on Jim Zumbo, what you will find is the divide between hunters and shooters is a chasm. It amazes me that they (shooters) have, for all intensive purposes, offered up hunting firearms to the Anti's. Even Uncle Ted (if he as an administrator on his site, screen name 'Nuge') has stated that they are not protected by the Second Amendment.

(Just so you'll know, the Anti's DO NOT CARE which of your firearms they get...They want private ownership of ALL guns banned...and if all they can get is your deer rifle or duck gun, THEY'LL TAKE IT. To them it is a victory.)


For Zumbo to run his mouth in such a large way...

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That's part of the mystique of Zumbo's circumstance. He DIDN'T run his mouth in a "large way"! It was on a 'blog' !! If 'shooters' hadn't picked up on it and run off in their lynch mob mentality, very few would have even known about it!

If you do that search I mentioned earlier, for the most part, the comments you'll find aside from those on shooting forums, are the expressions of disbelief and bewiderment at how fast the internet facilitated the 'wild-fire' spread leading to Zumbo's demise.

The expression that immediately comes to mind:

"Cut off your nose to spite your face."

Bob crazy.gif

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Re: Ted Nugget...Outdoor Channel...


I get the feeling that maybe Ted's doing damage control more for the shooting community in general than for Zummy in particular.

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Would have to agree with this, got the same impression. Think Jim was maybe a bit too quiet in the show really at the beginning, would have been nice to have heard a genuine apologetic word or two from him at the start of the show. Also think Ted cutting Jim off and correcting him about defending our rights was a bit overboard in a way.

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Re: Ted Nugget...Outdoor Channel...

Just my opinion, Ted has done an enormous amount of good for the hunting industry regardless if you like him or not. He really isn't my cup of tea either !! How many hunting shows you see on tv take on what is happening to us ? None right. besides Nuge. I have watched Jim for years, sorry about his foot in his mouth, hopes he recovers. It might end up being a wakeup call for us all.


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