I can't help it

Guest Andrea

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Re: I can\'t help it


Sanjaya looked like a banty-rooster tonight. What was up with that HAIR?????????????????????? blush.gifblush.gifblush.gifcrazy.gifgrin.gif

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He finally filled with so much retartedness it seeped out his head.... grin.gif

I heard on the radio this morning that different stations across the US are having their listeners vote for him to stand Idol on its ear.....

So now he is getting a "Joke Vote" along with the preteen.... crazy.gif

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Re: I can\'t help it


I missed over half of the show tonight. What did the judges have to say about Sanjaya?

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There is no hope, literally. They said he could actually sing a little but didnt want to try.

Simon just said, "There isn't anything worth saying at this point." He got hammered by Simon!

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Re: I can\'t help it



I missed over half of the show tonight. What did the judges have to say about Sanjaya?

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There is no hope, literally. They said he could actually sing a little but didnt want to try.

Simon just said, "There isn't anything worth saying at this point." He got hammered by Simon!

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This is sad...Sanjary looked like a furry rooster, sang such a boring version of the song, and even forgot some of the words!!! mad.gif All the judges could say was they didn't know what to say and that it wouldn't even make a difference. The saddest part is, they're right! UGH!

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