What exactly is "a life"?????


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I dont even let that stuff bother me. Usually somebody gives me that line around bow season because I all but disappear from society for 6 weeks. wink.gif

When someone says to me "get a life" I say "what life?"......"your life?'. No thanks I have a life, and thats being content with who I am and what I want to do. If they are so worried about your life enough to criticize (sp) it, then they are the ones who need a life!!

BTW..I am single and skinny too....and lovin it!! grin.gif

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Re: What exactly is \"a life\"?????

Being content with who you are is having a life as far as I'm concerned.

Some people think that having a life is living on the edge of life and death (partying, driving fast cars, doing stupid dare-devil things in life), some people think that having a life is being successful and having lots of money to do whatever pleases you, etc, etc, I think having a life is being quietly content with what you have, regaurdless of how little it may be.

Sounds to me that you not only have a life, but you also have "LIFE EVERLASTING".

Now ya can't beat that with a stick, no matter how big the stick is ...LOL smirk.gif

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Guest Mark_85

Re: What exactly is \"a life\"?????

Your life sounds good don't let people get to you my girlfriend always told me i needed to get a life cause as soon as bow season started i disappeared last year friends got mad everyone was mad but i was happy lol grin.gif so i had to take time off to keep everyone happy but ur life sounds good

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Re: What exactly is \"a life\"?????

well J.B., i've been reading of your convictions for over a year now. you are one funny dude. probably the funniest dude in here, present company excluded of course. grin.gif

and here are my observations. you have an unnatural distaste for women right now. it's also understandable in light of what happened. both are my opinions too, which might not mean squat to you.

but, foremost what strikes my about you is your religious conviction, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, again, just my observations.

i think when people say "get a life" it means they're intimidated by you. they see something in you that they can't achieve. their loss.

have faith brother, you have a life, and you'll have life everlasting with the rest of us who believe.

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Re: What exactly is \"a life\"?????

If you are content then don't worry about the other people. They are just aren't content so they have to find someone to bother. I went through the same thing all through school. If you want to burn them to no end tell them "I might have to try that someday." It alway drove those people crazy that they couldn't bother me with it.


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Re: What exactly is \"a life\"?????

This is a pretty interesting post. Sounds a lot like me, except I'm still in High School. I am a Christian and don't cuss, drink, do drugs, etc. therefore I am not popular. to tell you the truth, I really don't have what i would call a "true friend" in HS....just guys I hang with. I know the reward is yet to come (for you and me), but it just seems a little tough to remember that at times. Good luck JB....we both know who's got the "real lives" wink.gif You and me are going hunting one of these days together.....it's gonna be the best hunt anybody could never buy with money. Take it easy bud and get to feeling better.

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Re: What exactly is \"a life\"?????

Life is to short to let someone tell you how to live or judge you.....you are the one who has to live with what choices you make, do whats right in your heart and try to live "your life" to it's fullest and you should be OK....we will all be judged by the ultimate judgement day court one day.....the ones who try to drag you down in life better have there "life in order".

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