what do you do?


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You live out in the country, got dogs running loose, some are dogs that live in the area, but are not at all taken care of. They look sick, underfed, not vaccinated and just overall look miserable. Then you got wild dogs and strays running in packs that likely hunt for food that also run through. You see these dogs occasionally in your yard, sometimes around your livestock. Sometimes some of the local dogs get mixed up with the packs of wild dogs and end up also roaming all over. Have gotten tons of pics of dogs on our cameras the past couple years right behind the house, some I have no clue where they come from.

You see these dogs in the back yard where you have a good opportunity to discretely take them out, what would you honestly do?

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Re: SSS-what do you do?

If you can at all distinguish between the local dogs and the wild dogs, I'd try to focus on the wild ones only. But if that is impossible, I wouldn't be to worried and I'd eliminate the problem.

I don't think they'd attack the livestock, but that's definitely possible. But I'm sure they could set off the hunting, and that would be enough for me. Not to sound like a jerk, but wild dogs are a huge problem and it's wrong for someone to let there dogs run roughshot around other peoples livestock IMO.

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Re: SSS-what do you do?

William from time to time we have had a few problems with wild dogs around our camp property too. The local pets and hunting dogs all have collars so it's not hard to figure out which ones are the wild ones.

I once had an instance with my son when he was 11 (now 20) when a wild dog was laying between us and our deer stand. Instead of getting up and leaving he decided to come right at us growling with all his teeth showing. With my son saying over and over "what you gonna do dad?" there was no option but to put him down. I waited thinking maybe he was bluffing but at 20 yards he seemed to be getting way to brave for me so I put an end to that. My son was scared to death at the time. That pretty much says what I'd do and did in that situation with wild dog.

2 years ago one of my closest friends had a far worse encounter with 2 wild dogs. They came at him so he dropped the 1st one. The 2nd then just charged right in full tilt with teeth showing he meant business but was put down at ~15 yards. That encounter really scared him too. If he had missed there's no telling what kind of damage they would have done to him. A few weeks prior to that, he and I had witnessed these same 2 wild dogs take down and kill a deer. At the time we didn't have a weapon so we got the heck out of there. If you've ever heard the sound a deer makes when 2 wild dogs rip it up to death, you'll never forget it. mad.gif

When it comes to protecting yourself and your family from wild dogs there aren't many options.

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Re: SSS-what do you do?

In theory, any dog running on my property like that is toast, however, more than once I have thought as I look down the barrel..."That could be a kid's pet..." and not followed through. I have a soft spot for dogs, even bad ones are just being what they were allowed to become. At some point though, I am willing to do it and say, "Nothing personal, Fido."


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Re: SSS-what do you do?


Just wondering, what does SSS mean?

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Shut up.

To be honest William, if there was any possible way someone could witness me shooting the animal, I wouldn't do it.

I've had trouble with one particular owner's dogs. You know the area I live in, so shooting them is pretty much out of the question unless one of them comes at my kids, then I'd shoot no problem.

Last year I called animal control, and I haven't seen those dogs on my property since, although my kids have. I'm sure I'll be calling soon because I saw the one Jack Russel in the neighbor's fenceline the other day. It's only a matter of time. To be honest, I've considered poisoning it too.

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Re: SSS-what do you do?

The best thing to do is get hold of your local game warden, and see what your legal options are. They are actually responsible for getting rid of them.

Share your pictures with him too.

It used to be legal here years ago, to shoot dogs chasing deer, but they made it illegal. The responsibility now belongs to animal control and the game warden.

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Guest Clay008

Re: SSS-what do you do?

Could you trap them and then call animal control?

I have horror stories of people getting sued over shooting other peoples animals even though they are wild.

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Re: SSS-what do you do?

From time to time here I see wild dogs roaming through the cows. Had one, one time kill a calf. That's all it took. I got ahold of the trappers to see were I stood on this matter and they said that I had the right to shoot them...

I was told anytime your stock, pets or family is threatened by a pack or just one dog or any other type of animal that you had the right to take action.

That's what I was told here.It may very in your area.

Best thing to do is check with the Goverment Trappers or Game Warden...

It really ticks me off to see stry dogs that someone dumps. It kinda hard to blame the animal. Some times I wish I could catch these idiots that do it...

Good Luck William...

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Re: SSS-what do you do?

Animal control will not do anything out here in the country.


To be honest William, if there was any possible way someone could witness me shooting the animal, I wouldn't do it.

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This is behind the house Chris, woods on one side, woods behind dropping off down the hill, and woods falling off to the river on the other side. No chance anyone other than us will see unless they are trespassing, but I will still know.

These dogs whether local or strays ARE NOT any kids PETS, and NONE have collars.

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Re: SSS-what do you do?


If you can at all distinguish between the local dogs and the wild dogs, I'd try to focus on the wild ones only. But if that is impossible, I wouldn't be to worried and I'd eliminate the problem.

I don't think they'd attack the livestock, but that's definitely possible. But I'm sure they could set off the hunting, and that would be enough for me. Not to sound like a jerk, but wild dogs are a huge problem and it's wrong for someone to let there dogs run roughshot around other peoples livestock IMO.

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couldn't have said it better if i tried!!!!!!!!!

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Re: SSS-what do you do?


In theory, any dog running on my property like that is toast, however, more than once I have thought as I look down the barrel..."That could be a kid's pet..." and not followed through. I have a soft spot for dogs, even bad ones are just being what they were allowed to become. At some point though, I am willing to do it and say, "Nothing personal, Fido."


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My thoughts exactly!!!!!!

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Re: SSS-what do you do?

a few years back there was a pack of shepards runnning wild, I watched them chasing a deer herd one day and talked to the warden the next, he said shoot them on the spot, he said he has found at least 20 kill sites were they killed, ate there fill and left next day killed again, he said a true wild animal will use all the kill, not wild dogs, they get to killing for the fun!they were huntign liek wolves to, a couple chasing and 3 or 4 ahead waiting in ambush!

If I was you I would ask the warden if not the right anser set out live traps on your land and transfer them right to the warden and ask what to do with them![live]good luck!!

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Re: SSS-what do you do?

on my 80 acres I have a neighbor that has a hound--sweet dog--pain in the butt cause he has disturbed a few hunts but I've learned to live with it. However--there are dogs that roam my land that I don't feel comfortable around. I had one bark and growl at me and my daughter while hunting. This is MY land and my daughters and me should feel SAFE on my land--so I do take these dogs out. If you love your dog then you keep your dog up. No way am I taking a chance of myself or my daughters getting bit by a dog.

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