Sharing overrated-recent leaf river pics


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Re: Sharing overrated-recent leaf river pics


LOL! Love the one of the doe giving the coon a knuckle sandwich, or should I say hoof sandwich.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Cool pics William. cool.gif

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LOL, figured it kinda looked like she was giving the coon a drop kick to the chin.

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Re: Sharing overrated-recent leaf river pics

Did not post all the pics in that sequence. There were I think 6 or 7 coons at the camera, then the single doe which was kind of back away a little. The doe had ears pinned back, and then within a short time, more does came in, then some of the coons dispersed. Looks like the last two coons refused to leave until this doe kicked it in the head, then the coons were gone.

So I guess enough coons will potentially keep single deer away, but if there are enough deer they will hold their ground.

Dont coon hunt Cody, but did let a boy I know coon hunt on our property after deer season was over. Surprisingly he had no luck.

I might check with the warden about seeing if there is any type of nuisance permit to hunt coons.

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Re: Sharing overrated-recent leaf river pics

Last year I live trapped 15 coons at the deer feeder behind my parents house.I gave them to some friends who coon hunt and they turned them out in front of their young dogs to help in training them.

I had the trap set during the winter and didn't catch any coons but I'm sure some more coons will show up some time.

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