The Love of God


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I think one thing that happens frequently, is that we twentieth century americans people interpret love when we read it in the Bible. We think of it as the kind of love that we see in movies and love that we read in dumb novels. But the love of God is most expressed in the death of Christ, which was a very violent act on the part of mankind - it was not a pretty site. But I don't think anything less dramatic could even begin to express the intensity of God's love for us - which is what Brennen talks about in the Ragamuffin Gospel. That God loves us with an intense love, that He pursues us, that it's not a "God loves you if your good", "God loves you if He's having a good day" - it's God loves you desperately, passionately. It's a hard thing to get ahold of, especially in the twentieth century frame of mind. But i think it's time to get past the twentieth century and get in to the way things really are.

- Rich Mullins, 1955-1997

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Re: The Love of God

I'm not familiar at all with the Ragamuffin Gospel, but what you say makes me think of the other side of that as well.

Many today have a vague concept of what God wants of us, and it is simply laid out in Leviticus 19:2. He demands that we be holy.

Just as we do not and cannot even comprehend the intensity of God's love for us, in our sinful nature we easily forget that which he demands of us.

Instead of remembering that we can only be made holy in God's eyes by the blood of Christ, we focus on how "Frank's a good person" or "Susie always does the right thing."

James 2:10 says, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

We all are part of this world, commit sin, are affected by sin, exposed to sin every waking second of this life. But that's where His intense love comes shows itself to us. The greatest intensity was sending the Son to die in our place.

As we have a vague concept of God's love, how easily we forget "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (Romans 3:23-24)

I've heard people talk about how blessed they realize they are when they actually think of and write down their blessings. That is great, don't get me wrong. But what about writing down their sins--even only the ones they are conscience of, coming to a realization that ALL of these are forgiven because of Jesus? Now THAT is intense!

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Re: The Love of God

Well I don't know really what direction to go from that....I guess I was never familiar with it until now. Maybe I'm readin it wrong but here's my thoughts......

While we are born of sin, we are asked in the Bible itself, to strive to be Christ-like and to continue to strive forward toward that goal as if it were a race....and to not quit, but finish the race. God knows that we will fall from time to time....true, we are born of sin, but that does not give us a free hand to sin first and then say "oops, sorry"....if we feel something is wrong before we do it, than we are bound by that conviction to not follow through with it. I think that is what morality is....and following those convictions, to strive to do what is right is what inevitably garners respect ands sets examples for others.....

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Re: The Love of God

Please don't misunderstand what I said...I'm definitely not implying we have free reign to sin--just stating that despite our best efforts, we do fall short over and over again and Jesus' death on the cross and our righteousness before God because of it is a very intense illustration of His love for us as well.

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Re: The Love of God


I wish I could love God as much as he loves me. I struggle with that often, because I know how shallow my love is for him, compared to his love for me. It sometimes brings me to tears, thinking about it.

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I too struggle with this concept from time to time. God's love for me is so great that it brings me to my knees to know that I can never love Him the way He loves me.

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Re: The Love of God


Please don't misunderstand what I said...I'm definitely not implying we have free reign to sin--just stating that despite our best efforts, we do fall short over and over again and Jesus' death on the cross and our righteousness before God because of it is a very intense illustration of His love for us as well.

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Don't worry....I was simply thinking I was reading something wrong with the Mullins quote....but it is true, it is hard to beleive that God loves us so much that there is seemingly nothing we can do to change his love for us......

We need to remember, that when those times come when we have done something wrong and probably don't feel to worthy of God's love, that it is in fact the Devil himself that is trying his hardest to make us fell poorly about ourselves....misleading us....lying to us....but ultimatley it is God's grace and love that shines through.

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Re: The Love of God

Our love compared to God's love is grossly puny. Love originates in the heart and soul. I can say that I love God with all my heart, and God knows the sincerity of my heart. But the outward sign of my love for Him is summed up by obedience - "if you love me, keep my commandments". And it is from that standpoint, my unfaithfulness in keeping his commandments, that my love for God pales in comparison to His love for me. All too often am I eager to say that I love Him, but my obedience to Him doesn't always measure up to my boasting!

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