Gun problem


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I have a remignton 700 VLS 22-250 cal. I have never had any problems with it but lately after i have shot it (even once) the bolt is hard to turn ... i actually have to slam the bolt up to get the brass to eject from the gun ...i have been shooting the same type of ammo since i had the gun (winchester) and have never had a problem with it .. The shells go in fine with no catch at all..

What could be the problem

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Re: Gun problem

Are they factory loads or reloads? If they are reloads, it sounds like you need to bump the shoulder slightly or use a small base die to resize the web a bit.

If its factory loads, you may add some grease to the locking lugs and the cocking ramp portion of the bolt. Sounds like the metal can be galling. Give it a proper lube job and see how it works.

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Re: Gun problem

yea .... they are factory loads ... thanks for that advice i am planning on lowering the trigger pull here soon so if i cant get it figured out i will see what the gunsmith can do .... also i am im the process of working up loads to see what the gun likes best .....thanks

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Re: Gun problem

A friend of mine has a Remington 788 in 22-250, he is having the same problem with the Winchester USA brand ammo. The ammo sells at Walmart for around $22 dollars for a box of 40. He said that they feed fine, but after firing them, you have to put a lot of up pressure on the bolt to get it open. Winchester may have loaded a bad batch of ammo.

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Re: Gun problem

No i have been using the same ammo in the gun since i bought it ... it has always shot good with that ammo and never did this before... I have finnaly reloaded some rounds for it and they solved the problem ... i dont know if i could of got a bad batch of ammo or what .... it just seemed funny that it has only done it recently and on the same ammo i have always shot ...

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Re: Gun problem


Those winchester factory loads are hot.

[/ QUOTE ]

One thing to keep in mind is factory ammo is not loaded over SAAMI pressure limits. No way, too much liability. Ammunition makers have custom blends designed to their specs. This is how Hornady can make their Light Mag line as well as Federal's High Energy line. Reloaders have to stick with canister grade powders. They are powders that the manufacturer sees to it that they are more consistant from lot to lot.

Differences in jacket thickness, composition, core composition and bullet diameter all contribute to variations in pressures. Ammo makers are limited to SAAMI pressure limits not speed.

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Re: Gun problem

Is the gun stainless or carbon steel?

If it is stainless, like AJ said there might be some galling on the bolt lugs. A little mushrooming on surface areas anywhere will make an action stick.

Send wichester an e mail with the lot # of the ammo and ask if anyone has had problems with this particular lot #.

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Re: Gun problem

i would suggest you have the local gun smith check it out or call the company and ask them if there has been other problems with the lot of rifles that were built with your rifle. it could be a factory thing also. i would also suggest trying another brand to see if it does the same thing

rob k

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