muggs Posted April 11, 2007 Report Share Posted April 11, 2007 Re: Read the whole Bible? I attempted it my sophomore year of High School, got the entire Old Testament and half of the New, but didn't finish. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest andymansavage Posted April 30, 2007 Report Share Posted April 30, 2007 KJV all the way through. Twice. Had a lot of time on a church mission. I've read the New testament many more times, in English and Spanish as well Andy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadHuntinPastor Posted May 12, 2007 Report Share Posted May 12, 2007 NIV and KJV. Working on NASB. Reading the Bible through cover to cover is a fine thing to do. It won't read like a normal book and you just have to keep that in mind. I encourage you to do whatever you are feeling led to do. Somethings work better for some people. Keep in mind some portions are extremely boring and just plug through and ask God to show you something new in each part. Have fun and good luck. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaret Posted June 11, 2007 Report Share Posted June 11, 2007 I have read the Bible from cover to cover. I don't think it's not an unattainable thing or a hard thing to do. My devotional book has broke it down into reading certain chapters a day, and once you have gotten to the end of the year, you will have read the entire Bible. Mine starts from 2 chapters in Genesis and works it's way thru the Old testament while reading one chapter in the New. So it's basically 2 OT Chapters and 1 NT a day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOYTHOUNDDOG Posted June 26, 2007 Report Share Posted June 26, 2007 One thing that helped me keep in the Word until I had read it cover to cover, with the exception of some of the lineages in the Old Testament, is my one year Bible. My parents gave it to me a few years back and it really helps. It has it set up to where I read a little of the old, a little of the new, a Psalm, and finish up with a Proverb. It takes a total of 10 min a day as long as I don't catch myself dreaming of a big buck. By no means do I consider myself an avid reader, but I try to accomplish this goal each year. Also, it doesn't hurt to have a friend reading it also to keep each other accountable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
htephil Posted July 14, 2007 Report Share Posted July 14, 2007 I had trouble reading through the KJV so I picked up "The Book" which is a NIV version that reads like a novel. Afterwards I found it much easier to read through the NIV Bible. I'm about 1/2 way through the Men's Devotional Bible for the 4th time. I start at the beginning and continue straight through without many side trips. I'll admit that I tend to "speed read" through Numbers though... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest safety-man Posted July 20, 2007 Report Share Posted July 20, 2007 Reading your Bible I've just started reading my Bible all the way through. I found this plan to read the entire Bible in 90 days. I want to do it every 90 days in a different version. I'm starting with the NASB. Here it is: 90 Day Reading Schedule for Entire Bible - (You may copy this chart) Day Scripture Reading 1 Gen 1- 15 2 Gen 16-26 3 Gen 27-36 4 Gen 37 - 47 5 Gen 48-50, Ex 1- 9 6 Ex 10 - 21 7 Ex 22 - 31 8 Ex 32 - 40, Lev 1 -3 9 Lev 4 - 13 10 Lev 14 - 23 11 Lev 24 - 27, Nu 1 - 4 12 Nu 5 - 13 13 Nu 14 - 23 14 Nu 24 - 33 15 Nu 34 - 36, Deu 1 - 7 16 Deu 8 - 19 17 Deu 20 - 31 18 Deu 32 - 34, Jos 1 - 9 19 Jos 10 - 19 20 Jos 20 - 24, Jud 1 - 6 21 Jud 7 - 16 22 Jud 17 -21, Ruth 1 - 4, 1 Sam 1- 2 23 1 Sam 3- 14 24 1 Sam 15 - 24 25 1 Sam 25 - 31, 2 Sam 1 - 5 26 2 Sam 6 - 16 27 2 Sam 17 - 24, 1 Kg 1 28 1 Kg 2 - 9 29 1 Kg 10 - 18 30 1 Kg 19 - 22, 2 Kg 1 - 5 31 2 Kg 6 - 15 32 2 Kg 16 - 25 33 1 Ch 1 - 10 34 1 Ch 11 - 23 35 1 Ch 24 - 29, 2 Ch 1 - 6 36 2 Ch 7 - 20 37 2 Ch 21 - 32 38 2 Ch 33 - 36, Ezra 1 - 6 39 Ezra 7 - 10, Neh 1 - 8 40 Neh 9 - 13, Estr 1 - 7 41 Estr 8 - 10, Job 1 -15 42 Job 16 - 35 43 Job 36 - 42, Ps 1 - 20 44 Ps 21 - 46 45 Ps 47 - 73 1 Day Scripture Reading 46 Ps 74 - 100 47 Ps 101 - 119 48 Ps 120 - 150, Prov 1 - 3 49 Prov 4 - 21 50 Prov 22 - 31, Ecc 1 - 5 51 Ecc 6 - 12, Song 1 - 8, Isa 1 - 5 52 Isa 6 - 23 53 Isa 24 - 37 54 Isa 38 - 52 55 Isa 53 - 66, Jer 1 - 3 56 Jer 4 - 14 57 Jer 15 - 27 58 Jer 28 - 37 59 Jer 38 - 49 60 Jer 50 - 52, Lam 1 - 5 61 Eze 1 - 15 62 Eze 16 - 25 63 Eze 26 - 36 64 Eze 37 - 46 65 Eze 47 - 48, Dan 1 - 7 66 Dan 8 - 12, Hos 1 - 11 67 Hos 12 - 14, Joel, Amos, Obadiah 68 Jonah, Mic, Nahum, Hab, Zep 69 Haggai, Zec, Malachi 70 Mt 1 - 12 71 Mt 13 - 22 72 Mt 23 - 28, Mk 1 - 3 73 Mk 4 - 12 74 Mk 13 - 16, Lk 1 - 5 75 Lk 6 - 12 76 Lk 13 - 21 77 Lk 22 - 24, Jn 1 - 6 78 Jn 7 - 15 79 Jn 16 - 21, Ac 1 - 5 80 Ac 6 - 14 81 Ac 15 - 24 82 Ac 25 - 28, Rom 1 - 9 83 Rom 10 - 16, 1 Cor 1 - 9 84 1 Cor 10 - 16, 2 Cor 1 - 8 85 2 Cor 9 - 13, Gal, Eph 86 Philippians, Col, 1 & 2 Thes 87 1 & 2 Tim, Titus, Philem, Heb 1-8 88 Heb 9 - 13, James, 1 Peter 89 2 Peter, 1,2,3 Jn, Jude, Rev 1 - 5 90 Rev 6 - 22 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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