The Steep Ridge Gobbler


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Late Thursday afternoon I heard and saw bits and pieces of a bird fly up to roost off the elbow of the steep, high ridge where I killed my 2nd gobbler last year. smile.gif The ridge is L shaped and extremely tall and steep on the west and north side past the elbow relative to the bottom below it. The east side before the elbow is not quite as steep and has 2 short spur ridges going out some 30 below the crest of the main ridge. One of those kind of places gobblers love to use as a lookout point while they are gobbling to attract hens. There seems to be at least one gobbler using this ridge for that purpose every year. On to the hunt.

Before daylight Friday morning I moved in to set up on top of the ridge planning to be about 25 to 30 yards short of the elbow. As it began to get daylight I realized I was only about 15 yards from it. ooo.gif At 6:30 the first crow sounded off and a gobbler answered with a thunderous LOUD gobble that blew me away. shocked.gif Needless to say, I was a lot closer to this bird than I really wanted to be. After he gobbled the distinct sound of pfffft…doooooommm starts. Yep, he’s drumming on the limb. cool.gif Must be absolutely still now. At 6:40 he flew down to the ridge from a tree about 50 yards away and landed to my left off the N side of the ridge out of sight. I ready my turkey gun as I hear him commence drumming and give him a soft 3 note tree yelp with my Woodhaven diaphragm. A few moments pass before I can see his periscope moving my way. As he stepped up on the crest of the ridge my view of his body is sort of blocked by short, leafy bushes and a couple of trees. Finally he steps into the clear moving to my right showing me his hanging beard. I was already on him with the end of my gun barrel following each step of his move. I’m thinking now, he’s so close I might miss him with a moving shot so I impatiently wait for him to stop. He stops in front of me slightly to my right side looking down toward the eastern bottom. That’s where I flipped him over at only 9 steps from my tree. OK I can breathe now. My 2nd gobbler of the year has a 9 ¼” beard with 1 1/16” and 1” spurs.

Sometimes funny things happen to you in the woods...that is, after the fact anyway. wink.gifgrin.gif This was one of those times. I lean my gun against my tree and start walking over to my turkey that’s flopping around on the ground. I'm about half way there when he flops to the edge of the ridge we’re on and over the north edge he goes. shocked.gif It’s about 60 yards from the top of the ridge to the bottom on that side. Can you picture me running down the side of a ridge that has about a 60 degree angle on it after a turkey flopping and rolling downhill? grin.gif He comes to settle in a narrow depression about 2/3 the way down next to a tree still a floppin. I move to outflank him on the downhill side when my left leg breaks through the ground sending my left leg down upper thigh deep in a hidden hollow area underground. In a split second 2 things went through my mind. 1st..I’ve been spurred by flopping gobblers before both in the leg and hand and this flopping bird is at upper thigh level. 2nd..My left leg is now inside something that was probably a great place for hibernating snakes. shocked.gif With my right foot on solid ground aided by a strong boost of adrenaline, I shot out of there like a rocket. Only problem now is balance on the side of that steep ridge. I managed to regain my balance before I soiled the seat of my pants. It was nip and tuck whether I was going to crash or not though. grin.gif The bird flopped out of there without falling in the hole I just made and I managed to do my Mexican hat dance impression on his head before he went much further downhill.


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Guest HoppeMan

Re: The Steep Ridge Gobbler

grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif LOL, sounds like something that would happen to me...Especially the snakes part grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif Congrats on the bird!!!

Take care,


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Re: The Steep Ridge Gobbler


Congrats on another great bird, when you going to Texas?

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Fly out of here on April 12th for Texas. Hunt a couple a days and head home.

Next weekend I'm taking a youth hunter with me so I don't have to tote a gun. grin.gif Between now and then though I'll work in a day or 2 to hunt. wink.gif

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Re: The Steep Ridge Gobbler

Thanks everyone. wink.gif


Dont know about there, but here snakes are out of hibernation.

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Seen a couple crawliing around too William but that was not on my mind at that particular moment. Maximum velocity to get out was! grin.gifgrin.gif

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