Scouting/Planning for next season?


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Re: Scouting/Planning for next season?

Here in the New Mexico, its a little different. You can waste a lot of time scouting areas as you may not draw a tag for that area. Once I draw an area (June), I will start scouting for that season. Plus the areas are no where close to me (3-6 hour drive each way) so scouting is limited. Generally, western hunting is a little different than eastern hunting. We cover miles each day and the hunter goes to the animals vs having animals come to the hunter.

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Re: Scouting/Planning for next season?


I was wondering, when do you start scouting for next season? Is it early, late? What do you do?

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Anytime while in the mountain, I am scouting for next season! During turkey season I always have my GPS with me. Mark locations on where I want to check before archery season! wink.gif

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