Got the Job


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Yep start at Wendy's tomorrow. Not what I want to be doing but it will do. Not sure how long will end up working there but for now its a job. Told dad before bow season comes in Im done and will be looking for somthing different after season is over.

Go in tomorrow at 3 to fill out some things. crazy.gif

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Re: Got the Job


A little advice you might want to consider, when you fill out your W-2, don't claim any exemptions even though your boss will say to claim yourself.

Every year I help my students with their tax returns, and this year, for some reason, I've had 2 or 3 students who owe tax instead of getting a return. I don't know if the brackets changed or what, because in all the years I've helped students with their taxes, I've never seen a kid owe tax at the end of the year. One girl owed over $200! mad.gif

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Re: Got the Job

arrow like i told a few people b4 money is money , congrats on the new job . don't quit a job because of bow season . the job i'm back at ( laid off ) i'm working 6 day's a week , i'm going to get one day a week to really fish , in the fall or winter , i still maybe working 6 day's a week , then i will only hunt 1 day a week , but i won't quit this job because of that , this job pay's my bill's hunting won't . what are you going to do quit each job b4 bow season come's ????

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Re: Got the Job


Tom what are you talking about?lol

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Those "things" you're going to fill out, I'm betting one of them will be a W-2 form. Uncle Sam will tax you just like the rest of us. There will be a slot there for allowances. If I were you, I'd put a zero on that line. You might want to talk it over with mom or dad before you fill it out.

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Re: Got the Job



Tom what are you talking about?lol

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Those "things" you're going to fill out, I'm betting one of them will be a W-2 form. Uncle Sam will tax you just like the rest of us. There will be a slot there for allowances. If I were you, I'd put a zero on that line. You might want to talk it over with mom or dad before you fill it out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok. Thanks.

Steve nice hair. smirk.gif

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Re: Got the Job



Tom what are you talking about?lol

[/ QUOTE ]

Those "things" you're going to fill out, I'm betting one of them will be a W-2 form. Uncle Sam will tax you just like the rest of us. There will be a slot there for allowances. If I were you, I'd put a zero on that line. You might want to talk it over with mom or dad before you fill it out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Chris is right! You want to file "0"! Otherwise they will not take enough tax out of your pay check every week! Then at the end of the year you will owe Uncle Sam any back taxes!!!

Congrats on the job!

Can I have a double with cheese and biggie size it please! LOL!


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Re: Got the Job

Now that you have a job theres no reason not to keep looking and maybe something better will pop up but in the mean time your making money while you look for something better. Your going to love seeing those taxes get taken out every paycheck if that's something new for ya LOL

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