Would like some picture advice. (pics inside)


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Ok, I would like some advice on how to get better pictures. I love taking pictures of wildlife and would like to someday have pictures that I have taken and have them framed in my house.

I would like to know what everyone thinks of these pictures and what one of these pictures you guys like the best.




Thanks for all the help.

P.S. Can anyone tell me what kind of duck this is?


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Re: Would like some picture advice. (pics inside)

I like the bottom picture best.

I used to be into photography when I was in the service, mostly to kill time. I'd suggest you get a book on the elements of photography. Billkay could probably help you more.

Your duck is actually a coot. American Coot.


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Re: Would like some picture advice. (pics inside)

Yep, I agree with Tom on this one. When I take my pics I try to make the background or foreground make the pic look even better. I find that's what sets the pic off.

Here's a few examples:

In this pic I got the trees and silos in the foreground of the picture, I think the silohettes look cool in sunset/sunrise pics.


Same with this one with the boat


This one I was taking a pic of my dad on one of our ice fishing trips, decided to get the campfire in too.


Took this one at one of the small bass lakes I fish at. I waited until dusk so the trees would silohette in the background behind the loons.


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Re: Would like some picture advice. (pics inside)

The close up of the two geese I like the best. I like the way both geese are facing the same direction. Its like they see something, but they dont know what it is! The foreground is blury, the geese are in focus, then the background starts to blur again. This gives the three dimensional look. It causes the eye to focus right away on the geese. Its called Depth Of Field.

The other geese pictures would have been better if you followed the rule of third. What the rule of third is, you would keep your subject somewhere in the 1/3 of the picture. Think of it like a Tic, Tac, Toe game! Where the lines of the game intersect, is where you would want the subject! Naturally with the geese you would place them somewhere in the bottom third of your view finder. But even with the water, the geese can still be in the upper third. Your the photographer! But I try to keep the subjects I am shooting at, not in the center. All your pics here are very nice! I am not knocking them one bit. Just showing you what I would have done. Here are a few cropped images of your pics.



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Re: Would like some picture advice. (pics inside)

I guess my favorite would be NRA's second crop. I think I might crop up on the bottom of the pic to make a more horizontal image. As far as your pix go, they're very good technically. Sharp as well. I think they could use a bit of color correction, they seem sort of "cool", or blue. Warming them a bit might make a big difference.

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Re: Would like some picture advice. (pics inside)

remembering the rule of thirds while taking pictures will help your pictures a lot.

always try and create a natural path for your eye to move through the picture.

bring a tripod. the biggest complaint i get from people that im teaching photography is "my pictures come out blurry" or "when i blow the picture up it looks all grainy and blurry". a tripod will always give you that little bit more clarity that your looking for.

my whole house is covered in my pictures (mostly my trips out West) and i wouldnt have it any other way. i am proud of my accomplishments.

good luck and happy shooting

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Re: Would like some picture advice. (pics inside)

I like NRA's second crop as well, the reflections make for an interesting photo.

I'll take it one further, with all the vertical lines created by the reeds in this photo, I think a very horizontal or landscape style format would work best... also, I used the Warming Filter #85 with Photoshop to make it seem a bit warmer.


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Re: Would like some picture advice. (pics inside)


I guess my favorite would be NRA's second crop. I think I might crop up on the bottom of the pic to make a more horizontal image. As far as your pix go, they're very good technically. Sharp as well. I think they could use a bit of color correction, they seem sort of "cool", or blue. Warming them a bit might make a big difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are these pictures film or digital?

Even some digitals have software in them to help correct color. If film, Fuji tends to be on the blue or cold side, where Kodak is on the red or warmer side. When I was looking to take pics of landscapes I would use certain 35mm film to help enhance color. When doing portraits or weddings, I would use all Kodak because of the warmth their film would capture. Digital on the other hand I am only starting to play more with each year. I did do one wedding and had my digital with, which was nice to have that second camera on hand. I am no professional, I like to consider myself an advanced amature. blush.gif

I dont like to to alter color of somebodies pics, unless they ask me too! I dont like to alter my own most of the time too! I try to get the pic as natural as possible. Now if you doing it for a magazine thats fine! Not for a photo contest! LOL!

Here is the pic you all like without any warming color added.


Here is the color corrected version I chose.


Here is even more warmth.


Sorry had to fix the link!

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