Do you listen to christian radio?

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Re: Do you listen to christian radio?

I don't know how I totally missed this thread when I posted mine about the same basic thing....but here's what I wrote there. I'll ask them to delete the other thread.

There are two shows that I really like, Truths that Transform and Let the Bible Speak both of which are on VCY America. They have some other decent shows as well. Me, being the nerd that I am, have serious problems with the theology of some of their hosts (even the two shows I like), but they still have some pretty good programming.

We have the VCY flagship in Milwaukee and another Christian talk radio station. The other one has some decent stuff, but I'm really turned off because every afternoon all they have is infomercials.

They have the vitamin guy who talks about how vitamins can effectively "cure" diabetes but continually reminds us he's "not a doctor" and it's only his "opnion." They also have the invest-in-gold guy who talks about how gold is the only investment and preys on the fear of people--it's absolutely ridiculous.

By the way, it sounds like VCY dropped Insight for Living....not sure exactly why.

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Re: Do you listen to christian radio?

Oneida, what do you think of the decision by VCY? Should they have done that?

I know when I first became a Christian, I listened to Chuck Swindoll a great deal and really enjoyed his program because he seemed "real" and I could relate to what he said.

Some of what he said certainly was inappropriate, but I do think many of the things VCY complained about were kind of ridiculous in my opinion.

On the other hand, I see how other preachers like Alan Cairns can preach a powerful sermon--that guy's really good--without using some of the language Chuch Swindoll does.

Swindoll's explanation of his medical exam was totally inappropriate and I can see why that would be offensive to many. One of the more ridiculous things I think was VCY's taking offense to a preacher saying, "Get your buns in gear." That was almost silly.

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