Power Plant???

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Re: Power Plant???


One of my neighbors planted this plant and it never grew at all. They have gotten everything else under the sun to grow but ended up tilling it up and planting a fall seed instead which grew much better. Good luck

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OOps! Brian, the mix we planted was NOT Power Plant. Name is close but was made by a different company. In fact we have just bought a bag of Power Plant to try.


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Re: Power Plant???



One of my neighbors planted this plant and it never grew at all. They have gotten everything else under the sun to grow but ended up tilling it up and planting a fall seed instead which grew much better. Good luck

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OOps! Brian, the mix we planted was NOT Power Plant. Name is close but was made by a different company. In fact we have just bought a bag of Power Plant to try.


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HAHA well must have been one of my other neighbors haha, I was really sure that power plant was what you planted, my mistake. Hard to keep track of what you guys are up to over there grin.gif

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Re: Power Plant???

We planted some last year and had very good success. I want to say we planted it sometime in July. (Whenever the date on the bad said). The deer loved it in August and September. We had deer in the field every night that would come in and get mouth full after mouth full.

It grew up to be about 6-7ft tall and the deer also used it for cover and to bed in. I would highly reccomend this product.

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Re: Power Plant???

Thanks everybody!! I bought a bag to try. It is more of a food plot than a hunting plot correct??? I mean, should I put it within bowrange or would it be better out in the open more? I have lots of other stuff to put within bowrange. We are also thinking about puting it in with corn. I would think this would work. Any suggestions??

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