Need help with trout


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Folks.. Trout season opened up here in NY on Sunday. Yesterday I fished most of the day with no luck. I see trout in the streams, but they are just not interested in my spinner bait. What should I do? Is there another lure out there that trout crave this time of the year? I've never caught a trout before and would like to catch my first before spring break is over ( April 9th ). I am using a spin casting rod and that's pretty much all I have. Fly fishing is pretty much out of the question.

I think these trout are natives because they're not stupid like stockies.

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Guest waynemclain

Re: Need help with trout

use like split tail crappie jigs......if u know what trout magnets are theyre the best thing i think to use...just let the current take it or jig it....i caught a few on some last week.

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Guest waynemclain

Re: Need help with trout

use something off the wall too maybe the fish have seen so much they just want something with a lil different flash

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Re: Need help with trout

Casting spoons, black rooster tails, and jigs are my favorites to use. Trout magnet (black or white IMO) with a wax worm is deadly when they're hittin jigs. Try different retrieve speeds when casting too, I've found that trout here will hit one speed all day long, but just a little too fast or too slow will not provide any hits on that given day.

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Guest andymansavage

Re: Need help with trout

rapalas, rapalas, and rapalas. I consistently catch more and bigger stream trout on small floating rapalas than those using spinners. Worms are the best for bait but grasshoppers are great if you find them.


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Re: Need help with trout

tie on a little hair jig (really light weight) and tip it with a maggot. Float that only with the current under a slim float and you should be good. Use flourocarbon too. Trout, especially natives are probably line shy. Use a couple BB sized split shot to get your bait down, but keep them about 12" above the jig.

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