Biggest Biceps!


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Re: Biggest Biceps!



Were you choking or going into spasms or something J\k

Looking good bud

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That's what I was going to say too. Looks like he's crappin his pants. That alone looks like too much work for me...LOL grin.gif

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Thanks Buckee...I just shot beer through my nose, and it burns realy bad shocked.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Biggest Biceps!


Raise your hand if you're not messin with Swampy!



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What happened to your arm Eric? Were you in a freak accident??? Get it hung in a meat grinder or somethin?? blush.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Biggest Biceps!




Were you choking or going into spasms or something J\k

Looking good bud

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That's what I was going to say too. Looks like he's crappin his pants. That alone looks like too much work for me...LOL grin.gif

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Thanks Buckee...I just shot beer through my nose, and it burns realy bad shocked.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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ROFLMBO grin.gifgrin.gif. Toooo funny.

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Re: Biggest Biceps!



Were you choking or going into spasms or something J\k

Looking good bud

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That's what I was going to say too. Looks like he's crappin his pants. That alone looks like too much work for me...LOL grin.gif

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Must be wearing those special astronaut diapers, no toilet needed.... grin.giftongue.gif

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Re: Biggest Biceps!


gee you guys are tiny. go to and check out bonecollector34 and his fotos on webshots. he benches 550 i think.

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He's a beast for sure...he's also a powerlifter, I am a martial artist. There is a difference in what we try to achieve and excel in. I don't need to be able to bench press 500lbs, nor do I desire to. grin.gif

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Re: Biggest Biceps!



gee you guys are tiny. go to and check out bonecollector34 and his fotos on webshots. he benches 550 i think.

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He's a beast for sure...he's also a powerlifter, I am a martial artist. There is a difference in what we try to achieve and excel in. I don't need to be able to bench press 500lbs, nor do I desire to. grin.gif

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That's OK, I'm not messin' with either one of you. grin.gif

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