Blantons Blog Comments


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Re: Blantons Blog Comments

I got a good chuckle from his first couple of lines ..LOL

"For whatever reason, some of the folks at Realtree decided it was time for David Blanton (that would be me) to “do a blog.” My first reaction was, “Is that legal?” and if not, “What kind of jail time does it usually bring?”" grin.gif

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Re: Blantons Blog Comments



“Welcome to Blanton's Blog, and Breastfeeding”

confused.gif Why does it say breastfeeding?????

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Because he's refering to brainfood.

""Welcome to the foundation of higher learning, brought to you by David Blanton""

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LOL! ok! But, if I posted the same thing in every room! You mods would have my hide! LOL! Just a little over-kill! Dont know who TeamRealjf is, but he needs to follow the rules! LMBO!!!!!


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Re: Blantons Blog Comments

I just sent him a pm.

He has a link to Wadell's MySpace that is already clogged with "Serious Nasty" from some who have registered as Wadell's friends.

I think if David Blanton knew what gets on MySpace, he wouldn't want to have any links to it.

I just checked Bill and Tyler's MySpace and believe it or not, it is even worse.


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Re: Blantons Blog Comments


I just sent him a pm.

He has a link to Wadell's MySpace that is already clogged with "Serious Nasty" from some who have registered as Wadell's friends.

I think if David Blanton knew what gets on MySpace, he wouldn't want to have any links to it.

I just checked Bill and Tyler's MySpace and believe it or not, it is even worse.


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WOW! There is some bad stuff in there!!! crazy.gif Got to wonder why these guys would even bother to keep their sites going! MySpace=DEAD SPACE! Just another worthless internet site! JMO!

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Re: Blantons Blog Comments



I just sent him a pm.

He has a link to Wadell's MySpace that is already clogged with "Serious Nasty" from some who have registered as Wadell's friends.

I think if David Blanton knew what gets on MySpace, he wouldn't want to have any links to it.

I just checked Bill and Tyler's MySpace and believe it or not, it is even worse.


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WOW! There is some bad stuff in there!!! crazy.gif Got to wonder why these guys would even bother to keep their sites going! MySpace=DEAD SPACE! Just another worthless internet site! JMO!

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The problem with having a myspace, is that if you want to keep your space clean, you need to be on top of it all the time.

I notice it's the same filthy mouthed posters in both sites also. It will be cleaned.

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Re: Blantons Blog Comments




“Welcome to Blanton's Blog, and Breastfeeding”

confused.gif Why does it say breastfeeding?????

[/ QUOTE ]

Because he's refering to brainfood.

""Welcome to the foundation of higher learning, brought to you by David Blanton""

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! ok! But, if I posted the same thing in every room! You mods would have my hide! LOL! Just a little over-kill! Dont know who TeamRealjf is, but he needs to follow the rules! LMBO!!!!!


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Found it all pretty humorous myself.

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Re: Blantons Blog Comments





“Welcome to Blanton's Blog, and Breastfeeding”

confused.gif Why does it say breastfeeding?????

[/ QUOTE ]

Because he's refering to brainfood.

""Welcome to the foundation of higher learning, brought to you by David Blanton""

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! ok! But, if I posted the same thing in every room! You mods would have my hide! LOL! Just a little over-kill! Dont know who TeamRealjf is, but he needs to follow the rules! LMBO!!!!!


[/ QUOTE ]

Found it all pretty humorous myself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dont get me wrong I laughed! But just couldnt figure out what breastfeeding had to do with it! LOL! Ok, sometimes I am a little thick! grin.gif

But as far as the MySpace accounts. They are worthless if you have to constantly go in there and be cleaning up the trash! To me, it would be better if Realtree would have their own blogs for all their pro-staffers, instead of using MyTrashSpace!


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