
Guest Andrea

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Guest Andrea

Whenever it's really quiet, like when everyone's gone to bed and I'm still up, I hear ringing in my ears. Weird, I mean, it's quiet.....but there's a ringing or buzzing in my ears that's really loud. I can still hear other stuff around me, but there's never total silence.

Anyone have the same problem? I've never had a head injury. ( Don't even start with the lame comments) And I don't have an ear infection. Wonder what causes it?

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Re: Tinnitus?

Have had the problem since I was 7 Andrea. You just learn to live with it. Im young and it seems like it gets louder and louder every year. All I can say is if your going to be around loud noise make sure to wear ear protection(sp?) because that will help it ring more.

I have had alot of ear problems.grin.gif My ear drums have busted 5 or 6 times so yeah.

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Re: Tinnitus?

I have it in my left ear. I started getting it after my eardrum burst during school in 1st grade (had a severe earache). Still remember bawling my eyes out. I've also had 6 sets of tubes in my ears too, so scar tissue might have to do with it.... Anyway I always always wear my hearing protection b/c like arrow said it will get worse easy if you don't.

Mine doesn't bother me unless I start thinking about it.

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Re: Tinnitus?

Yep, I get it too. Sometimes it's worse than other times. To many loud noises over the years I guess. I'm half deaf in one ear.

I guess between shotguns going off beside my ear, running a chain-saw all the time when logging,,sleeping beside a running diesel engine on fish-boats for years, and standing in front of the speakers at rock concerts when I was young, took it's toll.

I've lost all my high frequency hearing. So if you have a high-pitched voice..I can't hear you grin.gif

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Re: Tinnitus?

Yep, I have it all the time! It gets worse as you get older!

At night, when I take my hearing aids out, it is really loud! Of course, without the hearing aids, I don't hear anything except for the ringing in my ears! It really gets loud then!

Mine is due to the jet engines when I was in the AF!

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Guest bruteshooter

Re: Tinnitus?

Got it. Ear Candles help but for weeks at a time and then I need them again. Try yahoo search for "ear candles". Weird but works.

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Re: Tinnitus?


when i was young & bullet proof, i'd shoot at least 500 round per week, generally much more. that was 40 years and more ago. all before real ear protection was available, or used. so, i hear what you hear.... only not as loud... lol

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lol struck me as very funny not sure why.

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