landowners and food plots

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I'm about to give up on planting food plots and trees on land that I don't own. frown.gif

Last year I planted food plots on my brother-in-law and parents property and at first I couldn't stop my brother-in-laws father from driving through the plots but since it's his land what can I do.

I also planted a nice food plot and sawtooth,white oak and fruit trees on my parents property and now I can't keep my father out of the plot plus when he gets in a bad mood he will drive over the trees I planted. mad.gif I complained some but finally a couple of days ago I blew up on him after he ran over some more trees and we had a very intense argument.He told me if I didn't like it to get off his property,I knew that was coming.He then told me he didn't like that food plot and didn't want the deer on his property because they will bring ticks,his property has oak timber and has been loaded with ticks for years.I told him I wish he had mentioned this to me this before I spent so much time and money on the plot.

I'm 45 and my dad is 67 and I think he is losing his mind or something all I know is I'm tired of dealing with these senile old men.

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